Together Magazine September 2019

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Bill and Rosemary’s Last Service
Many thanks to all who contributed in whatever way to Bill and Rosemary’s last service. It was really good to see so many people in church with such a lot of connections with Bill and Rosemary’s time and ministry amongst us. A special thank you to Maureen Hardy and colleagues who kept us fed and watered. Greystoke PCC

Greystoke WI
Greystoke WI met in July for an afternoon tea and silent auction in order to raise funds for the swimming pool. Over £200 was raised.

In August we held an Open meeting with cheese and wine when the garden prizes were awarded by Roy Fisher. John Maddison then gave a beautiful digital presentation on Cumbrian Gardens.

In September Marjorie Bridgway will be giving a talk on needles. The competition will be a piece of needlework.

If you would like to join WI please contact Hazel McGrath.

Greystoke Social Club
Our next meetings are:

  • Monday 2 September – Illustrated Talk on the Lake District National Park by Barry Grayburn, Greystoke Village Hall 2.00pm
  • Monday 16 September – Mystery Outing – contact Shirley Mounsey to book a seat, but she won’t tell you the destination!
  • Monday 7 October – Lions (the charity group, not the animals nor the rugby players) – a talk by Derek Storer – Greystoke Village Hall at 2.00pm.

Everyone is welcome to our meetings and on our trips. We hope that you will enjoy yourselves and eventually become a member.

John Danks (Chairman)

Macmillan Coffee Morning
Please join us in St. Andrew’s Church Greystoke between 10.00am and 12.00pm on Friday 27 September for a refreshing cup of coffee and a delicious slice of cake, all in aid of the very worthwhile Macmillan Cancer Support.

Messy Church
Messy Church meets once again in Greystoke Village Hall from 4.00pm until 6.00pm on Saturday 28 September to pray, learn and worship – its values are ‘Jesus-centred’, ‘hospitable’, ‘creative’ and ‘ inclusive’ – why not come along, it’s noisy, fun, and ends with a tea!! Let John Danks know so that we properly welcome you.

Harvest Thanksgiving
Please join us on Sunday 29 September as we give thanks for the harvest.

Gifts in thanks will be very welcome.

  • Cash will be sent to the Bishop of Carlisle’s Harvest Appeal;
  • dry goods will go to Penrith Food Bank, run by the Salvation Army;
  • perishable goods will be sold, the proceeds also going to the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal.

Greystoke PCC

Mary Jack Foundation Trust Fund

Studying? Funding Available Grants are available to all students aged eleven to twenty-five, who reside in the Whitbarrow, Berrier and Murrah area from the Mary Jack Foundation Trust Fund.

Grants may be put towards the cost of education, training, apprenticeships, books or equipment, which would help to prepare for or enter a trade or profession.

Application forms and further information are available from Mrs E Earl (details in the Together Magazine). Completed forms to be returned to Mrs Earl by Saturday 26 October 2019.

In order to keep this fund functioning, the trustees would appreciate applications from eligible students.

Greystoke Open Gardens
Our grateful thanks to all the people who opened their gardens for our fund raising for Greystoke Church.

11 Gardens and the allotments were open; we were supported by so many people and we couldn’t manage without them.

Our thanks extend to all the unforeseen helpers who worked so hard to make the day a success. The bakers, the café ladies, who feed the many guests who turned up, the car park marshals, the helpers who put up and removed the sign posts and the people who spent so many hours preparing their gardens for this special occasion.

An amazing total of £1780 was raised, surely the wonderful sunshine helped to bring out the public, weren’t we blessed!

A truly lovely day, guests, came from far and wide making some lovely comments about our Village, the Community and the gardens!

Greystoke Parish Council
The next Greystoke Parish Council meetings will be held on Tuesday 3 September at 7.30pm in Greystoke Village Hall.

Roy Fisher (Chairman)

Greystoke Brownies and Guides
Greystoke Brownies and Guides meet on Mondays in term time from 6.30pm in the Village Hall. Brownies is for girls aged 7-10 and Guides is for girls aged 10+.

We’re really excited about going to the Tartan Gig in Glasgow at the end of August – a huge concert just for members of Girlguiding – and we’ll see Lewis Capaldi, James Arthur and other top artists perform!

For the Autumn Term, we’ll make the most of the light nights while they are still with us maybe with some fire lighting and outdoor cooking; we’ll take part in Girlguiding’s Future Girl…Acts on Plastic and have a sleepover in half term. We’ll also be doing more activities to gain our region Year of Adventure Badge.

We have members from a wide area, and you don’t have to live in Greystoke to join us! It’s a great way to make new friends! If your daughter would like to come and see what we get up to, contact Georgina Stephenson or register on

Greystoke Swimming Pool
We have had a great season: 110 season ticket holders have enjoyed the pool and we have filled over café 180 volunteer slots.

In addition more than 20 volunteers have tested chemicals every day and kept the pool ship shape. A massive thank you to everyone involved.

Swimming Pool Redevelopment Updates

We continue to make good progress towards our fundraising target and by the time you read this will have appointed a contractor to carry out the works from September onwards. In order to meet available funds we have had to hold back on a few items in the build programme so continue to need support and fundraising.
There is still time to support us by our Buy a Brick campaign. Please go to for further details.

Greystoke Film Nights
We have planned 5 film nights for the autumn/ winter. Further details will follow but the dates for your diary are:

  • 12 October – Fisherman’s Friend
  • 30 November – Red Joan
  • 18 January – Breakfast at Tiffany’s
  • 29 February – Mrs Lowry and Son
  • 28 March – What We Did On Our Holidays

Greystoke Beer Festival
The annual Greystoke Beer Festival fundraiser is being held on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September.

The headline band on the Saturday is Rob Heron and the Tea Pad Orchestra as featured on BBC radio.

This year there will be a Prosecco Bar to complement the usual range of beers and ciders. Tickets are on sale at the Greystoke Post office or via the Beer Festival website.

Greystoke Bell Ringers
On Wednesday 31 July one of our support bell ringers, Ken Twentyman, celebrated his 90th birthday.

Ken, who lived in Greystoke as a very young child, moved with his parents to Penrith, and has been a Church Bell Ringer at St. Andrew’s, Penrith for very many years.

Greystoke Church Bells were restored at the Millennium, and we then needed a team of ringers to handle the Bells. Ken and other Diocesan Guild ringing members came along to train and support us.

He has continued to attend Greystoke Tower each Thursday evening as a guest ringer, come rain, hail and snow ever since. We know we can depend on Ken should we have a short fall of ringers for special occasions though we recognise his first Tower is St. Andrew’s at Penrith.

He is a remarkable gentleman and we’re proud to have him as a friend and ringer.

On Saturday 3 August, three Greystoke ringers, with the support of three Penrith ringers, rang a Quarter Peal in honour of Ken.

Greystoke School is looking for Co-opted Governors
We’re looking for people from the local community, from all walks of life and backgrounds, who can bring different viewpoints, experience, skills and fresh ideas to the Governing Board.

Being a governor gives you the chance to learn new skills and benefit from training, support and expert advice. It also gives you the opportunity to make a difference to how well the school runs, raise standards, and do something positive for the next generation. Working with the Governing Board, you’ll apply your knowledge and experience to benefit the local community, helping to improve educational standards for children and young people in your area.

School governors take part in strategic discussions at governing board meetings which take place around six times a year in term time at the school. The Governing Board works as a team to ensure the school staff have the resources and support they require to do their jobs well and holds executive leaders to account by monitoring the school’s performance. Governors are often described as a “Critical Friend” to the School Senior Management Team, creating positive solutions for school improvements.

If you’d like to know more about being a School Governor at Greystoke School, in the first instance contact eMail Gill Fawcett, (tel. 017684 83 572).


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