Greystoke Together February 2025

St. Andrew’s Greystoke, Church Services February 2025

Sunday 2 February – Family Service – 11.00am – Greystoke Village Hall
Sunday 9 February – Holy Baptism – 11.00am – St. Andrew’s Church
Sunday 16 February – Family Service – 11.00am – Greystoke Village Hall
Sunday 23 February – Holy Communion – 11.00am – St. Andrew’s Church

At all our services refreshments are served from 10.30am. Children’s activities are available at our Family Services.

For our services in St. Andrew’s we shall have returned to the more comfortable warmth of the tent, apart from the Baptism, which will be in the nave.

Greystoke Social Club

Monday 17 February – a talk by Danny Sawrij giving an overview of the work of Omega Proteins
Monday 3 March – a talk by a representative of Pine Tree Nurseries – spring is coming, time to attend to the garden.

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings, which are held in Greystoke Village Hall and start at 2.00pm.

There is a charge of £2 (Visitors £3) which includes tea and biscuits.

Greystoke WI

Our December meeting consisted of Christmas music and supper. The Hand Bell group played carols and other seasonal pieces. There was also a chance to play a bell or a chime and follow the numbered music. On the Twelfth Day of Christmas gave the opportunity for WI to participate with some daft actions. It was good fun. Thank you very much to the bell team for entertaining us. Thank you to Maureen, who put much thought into planning for the evening. Thank you to everyone who contributed towards making the evening a success especially Eileen with her very popular mulled wine and also to all our members who brought food to share.

We met together for a New Year meal on Friday 10 January at the Brantwood Hotel in Stainton. The time was switched to 12.30pm because of the adverse weather, which seemed to suit everybody.

On Thursday 6 February, Marie Hamer will talk to us about tackling educational disadvantage. The competition will be a favourite book from childhood.

If you would like to join us at WI meetings, please contact Sue, Val or Jennifer.

Greystoke Parish Council

The next Parish Council meeting is at 7.00pm on Tuesday 18 February in the Village Hall.

St. Andrew’s Church

St Andrew’s church wishes to thank everyone, from the groups and clubs and individuals who took part in their annual Christmas Tree Festival. There were ten trees, the font was decorated, and they lit up the church and made it magical particularly at the Candlelit Carol Service.

So thank you to The Boot and Shoe, the playgroup, the school, the Community First Responders, the Book Club, the WI, the Hand Bells, the Monday Social Club, the Swimming Pool, and Annie’s Quirky Workshops who decorated the font.

Thanks also to those who very kindly gifted the church Remembrance Tree and all those who helped to decorate it with messages on hearts to loved ones. There were many heartfelt messages on the tree.

Judith Derbyshire, our local councillor, judged the trees. She said it was a very difficult task, and she loved the Remembrance Tree, the Swimming Pool Tree and the Book Club’s Wines between the Lines made her laugh. She gave top marks for style to the Font, The First Responders, the Hand Bells, Greystoke WI, the Boot and Shoe, and the Playgroup.

But the winner was the school. A joyous tree decorated with lots of effort, with the very important theme of Peace in the World at this time. The Social Club was second as it celebrated all the effort everyone puts into community life.

Thanks again to everyone and a Happy New Year from St Andrew’s.

Greystoke Village Hall

Greystoke Village Hall invites you to join us for a delicious homemade soup and pudding lunch in the Hall on Sunday 9 February from 11.30am to 2.00pm. Come along for a sociable lunch whilst raising funds for maintenance of the hall. All welcome and we look forward to seeing you there. Donations of soups and puddings gratefully received, contact Julie Boothman.

Greystoke Village Hall AGM is being held on Wednesday 29 January at 7.00pm in the hall meeting room.

The hall is a community facility run by a friendly volunteer committee whose aim is to ensure the hall is suitable and meets the needs of the local community users. New members are always welcome, whether it’s helping at community events, organising fundraisers, taking on a committee role or any other specialism you have that may benefit the hall. It would be wonderful to restore the village May Day back to the community event it once was and also the Children’s Halloween and Christmas Parties. Come along and help us better provide for the local community. For more information contact Laura Seel or Emma Nielsen. Hope to see you there.

Greystoke and District Sports Association

Over the next few months we will be preparing the pool for opening in May. There will be lots of opportunities for people to volunteer for various tasks. Keep an eye on our facebook page for more information or let a committee member know you’d like to volunteer.

We are also looking for lifeguards for the coming season. We will be open from May until September and are looking for people to register interest in working at the pool. You must be aged 16 or over, have the right to work in the UK, and have good time keeping, organisation and interpersonal skills. This is an ideal job for students or adults with a few hours spare. You must be a competent swimmer, and full training will be provided. If you are interested in applying please get in touch via eMail.

  • Pool Café – Come and enjoy soup, scones, cake and hot drinks in the swimming pool café every Monday from 12 noon to 2.00pm.
  • Match Day Café – The café will open when Greystoke football teams are playing at home on Saturday afternoons. Keep warm with a hot drink! Check our facebook page to confirm opening times.
  • Film Night – Our next film night with a lovely meal is Captain Fantastic on Saturday 8 February 2025. A comedy drama sees a family making a road trip across America after having lived in the wilds for many years and now coping with society. Tickets on sale at and Greystoke Post Office for £15. Licensed bar and interval ice cream.
  • Soul Junction – Saturday 22 February 2025. Cumbria’s only Soul and Motown band are coming to the Village Hall. This 7 piece band will get everyone on their feet for an evening of great music. Tickets on sale at and Greystoke Post Office for £17. Licensed bar available.

Community Housing Group

We are holding our first public meeting on Thursday 30 January at 7:30pm in the village hall. If you can’t make it, don’t worry, as we’ll make the slides and speaker notes available afterwards. We’ll also be attending the pool café every Monday from February to answer your questions, hear your ideas, or allow you to sign up for membership.

Sign up to the mailing list on our website to make sure you don’t miss anything. You can unsubscribe at any time!

Bus Update: From BAG to BUG

Thank you to the 60+ people that attended the meeting we held at Greystoke Castle on Monday 9 December, what an amazing turnout! It was a great meeting and we were well supported by the representation we had by our local MP, Councillor and Council representatives.

At that meeting we were shown the proposed timetable and if you did not attend I have put a copy on our website (plus the local noticeboards for the not as digitally minded). This is still draft and we have been liaising with Mark Hodgkiss to try and influence the final version.

Then earlier this month ITV came to film us. We wanted to use this as a way of getting a timetable we’ll use and asking for a through fare (i.e., dayrider tickets) to Keswick, not all of that made it to the final edit, but it was very good publicity for the pool and the castle, hopefully bringing people into the village on the bus and using it that way.

So next steps, Stagecoach and the council will agree the final timetable and start date and then we need to make sure we use it! I very much welcome suggestions, ideas such as Chatty Bus Tuesday or holding social trips or even an MP surgery on the bus are innovative ways to keep us using (and then not losing) the bus.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 23 January 7.00pm, the Village Hall. We’ll show the ITV news clip of us and have a chat about how to use the bus. Mark Hodgkiss will be on hand to answer any questions we have. Meanwhile, if you have questions or comments, please email Pam.

Finally, thank you to the whole community for their support during 2024, we’ll see you on the bus in 2025!

Greystoke Hand Bell Ringers

Greystoke hand bell ringers had a busy Christmas, playing at the Keswick Victorian Market one rainy Sunday, at WI and then, lastly, in the Village Hall. As it was the third time of playing through our repertoire we were quite relaxed and felt it had gone well. At the end of the morning we presented Maureen with a Christmas bouquet to thank her for her leadership of the group. We appreciate it takes a lot of planning and at times, stress.

We want to thank everybody who supported us that Saturday before Christmas. We had a lovely time playing and hope you had a lovely time listening and enjoying the refreshments. Thank you very much for all your donations which will be used to help us buy new music and pay our hall fees. Thank you also for joining in with On the Twelfth Day of Christmas. It took the pressure off us!

The Dacre Do

You are once again warmly invited to the ever-popular Dacre Do, taking place in Dacre Village Hall from 7.30pm on Saturday 1 March 2025 until midnight.

Pie and peas supper, pudding, a cash bar and dancing, with live music from Pete Lashley.

Tickets £20 from Lynne or Morna.

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