Greystoke News October 2024

St. Andrew’s Greystoke, Church Services October 2024

  • Sunday 6 October – Family Worship in Greystoke Village Hall
  • Sunday 13 October – Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church
  • Sunday 20 October – Family Worship in Greystoke Village Hall
  • Sunday 27 October – Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church

All our services start at 11.00am, with coffee and cake are served from 10.30am onward, please join us.
Children’s activities are available at the Praise and Worship services in the Village Hall.

We would love to see you at our services.

Greystoke Social Club

  • Monday 7 October – Helen Atwell from Cumbria for Sustainability will talk about their work in communities across Cumbria.
  • Monday 21 October – Afternoon Tea with music by Julie Best on the accordion – £10, contact Shirley Mounsey to book a place.
  • Monday 4 November – a talk on the activities and products of Omega Proteins by a representative of the Leo Group.

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings, which are held in Greystoke Village Hall and start at 2.00pm. There is a charge of £2 (Visitors £3) which includes tea and biscuits.

Greystoke WI

At our September meeting we listened to a talk by Judith Cook who is an author and singer from Carlisle. Throughout the evening she told us of her early start as a Bluecoat, then singing on ships, in hotels and for weddings. A serious illness made her want to change her career as she felt that kindness saved her and she wanted to give kindness back to others. We heard how she now works with people with dementia. She spoke of her lack of patience with her early singing teacher who wanted to teach breathing, but the lessons obviously paid off as Judith has a beautiful singing voice. She has written her autobiography, My Doors of Destiny, and has followed this up with The Gift of Human Kindness. Judith interspersed her talk with covers of various hits from Karen Carpenter through to Cilla Black, finishing with You lift Me Up, which was her mother’s favourite.

Our meeting on Thursday 3 October is a Guest Night consisting of a light supper and a Kitty Brown Fashion Show. Some of our members will model the clothes and there will be chance to buy items after the show. The competition will be a fashion accessory.

If you would like to join us at WI meetings, please contact Sue, Val or Jennifer.

Greystoke Parish Council

The next Parish Council meeting is at 7.00pm on Tuesday 15 October in the Village Hall.

Swimming Pool Monthly Draw

Congratulation to the winners of the pool monthly draw for September.
£20 – John Endean – 224
£15 – Ronnie Wilson – 191
£10 – Allan and Mary Marshall – 177
£5 – Bob and Carolyn Greenhalgh – 153
£5 – Jean Pearson – 15
£5 – Helen Hammond – 68
£5 – Pete Boyd – 81

Greystoke Parish Community Housing

Work continues into looking to set up a Community Land Trust (CLT) and we are applying for membership of the Community Land Trust Network using some seed funding supplied by Westmorland & Furness Council. We also hope to draw more on the experiences of Patterdale CLT and Crosby Ravensworth soon. Keep up to date at

The Friends of Saint Andrew’s Church Greystoke

The launch morning last month was a most successful and enjoyable morning with beautiful weather which enabled us to open all the doors and show off the lovely building. The tours of the bell tower were especially popular and the feedback from all of those who came was positive with many commenting on the lovely atmosphere and interesting chats with the trustees at various parts of the church. Our thanks go to Shelagh and Ros for providing everyone with refreshments as they went around.

A majority of those who attended left their names and contact details with a view to becoming members, at £10 per annum, or wishing to help in any way. This has been a very encouraging start and we hope to hold another similar event later in the year, as many who were unable to attend have expressed their interest. As I’ve said, this is just the beginning and throughout the year there will be various events and ideas to raise funds for the fabric of the church.

If you are interested in becoming a member, would like to help in any way or would like more information please contact Phil Lambert.

Greystoke Film Nights

Thanks to everyone who has contributed ideas for this winter’s film nights. The films for next season will be:

  • Saturday 19 October: Nowhere Special
  • Saturday 30 November: Sunshine on Leith
  • Saturday 8 February: Captain Fantastic
  • Saturday 22 March: The Angels’ Share

The price will still be £15 to include a one-pot supper, licensed bar and ice-cream. All tickets will be available via Andy in the Post Office and online. Look out for facebook and poster publicity nearer to each event.

Please bring your friends. All profits to the swimming pool.

Roy’s Reminiscences

First, I received 153 cards on the death of my wife Edith, beside all the messages on facebook, and £1,300 in donations which was split between the Hospice at Home and Virtual Arthritis. I cannot thank you enough for all the support I have received.

On reading in the Herald newspaper, just an observation about the swimming pool. How different the fund raising events are now than what they were like 51 years ago when we first opened. Most of the people involved now would probably never have heard of a village called Greystoke, let alone thinking that they would be involved with the running of a Swimming Pool that we had built.

Congratulations and thank you for keeping the pool open. Only those who are involved on the committee know the time and effort you have to commit yourself to. Keep up the good work!

Goodness, just realised I was only 33 when I was secretary! Most of us involved then were round about that age. Wonder what the age is now?

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