Greystoke News June 2021

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  • Sunday 6 June – Holy Communion
    – Rev Gary Cregeen (Celebrant and Preacher)
  • Sunday 13 June – Morning Praise
    – Graham Simons (Service Leader), John Danks (Preacher)
  • Sunday 20 June – Holy Communion
    – Rev Richard Hall (Celebrant), Gill Danks (Preacher)
  • Sunday 27 June – Morning Praise
    – John Danks (Service Leader), Graham Simons (Preacher)

All services are in the church and start at 9.15am. Masks must be worn and social distancing takes place.

Everyone is welcome to attend our services.

Church Opening and Services
The church is open every day for visitors and those seeking a place of quiet from about 10.00am until about 4.00pm. Only the central pews are available to sit in and we are still cleaning those pews each evening in line with COVID guidance.

All services are taking place in church – every Sunday at 9.15am – all welcome.

Everyone attending services is required to wear a face covering and to sanitise their hands entering and leaving the building.

Plant Sale
A huge thank you to everyone who supported this fund raiser for church funds, those who contributed plants and those who came and purchased the plants and the cake which was available.

It raised almost £1000, which is a vital contribution in these current times.

Thank you.

Garage (or Garden) Sale
There will be an opportunity to sell some unwanted items or raise funds for your own charity on Saturday 19 June from 10.00am.

Book your stall with Maureen Hardy (07565 769 354).

Stalls are charged at £5 each for church funds, you keep all the cash you raise.

Maps will be provided and refreshments will be available.

Look out on Facebook for more details.

Thank You WI
Since the beginning of the first lock-down Greystoke WI has been operating a sales table alongside the path from the village to Howard Park. The proceeds from this have been given to the church. This is a kind and generous gesture for which the Church Council is most grateful.

Thank you Hazel and your members.

Christian Aid Week
A total of £233, including gift aid, has been sent to Christian Aid to add to their funds currently used to provide clean water to areas where climate change has caused problems in the supply of clean water.

Thank you to all who contributed.

New chair and trustees sought for Greystoke and District Sports Association
As you will probably know, the Sports Association is responsible for Greystoke’s playing fields, children’s play areas and the village’s open air heated swimming pool and buildings (including its café) (see our website). These are vital facilities for the village and surrounding communities.

The current chair, Stephen Nicol, is standing down, having seen the refurbishment of the pool buildings through to their successful completion and now the re-opening of the pool after the disappointment of the Covid affected 2020 season.

The Sports Association has a very committed, effective and friendly group of 11 trustees. We are supported by our pool of dedicated volunteers who help with maintenance, run the café and help at fundraising events. The Sports Association is a great way of meeting people in the local area.

We are seeking a new chair to lead the Sport Association, to ensure the co-ordination of the work of the trustees and to continue to take forward the development of the swimming pool and our other facilities.

In addition, the Sport Association is interested in hearing from others in the local area who would like to get involved in the running of the pool and join the Sports Association’s committee.

For an informal discussion about what is involved please contact Stephen on 017684 80 088.

Gentle Yoga with Paula
Gentle yoga improves flexibility and mobility. Allow your mind and body to relax and repair

Starting Saturday 5 June, between 10:00am and 11:00am in Greystoke Village Hall, sessions are £5 and mats are provided.

If interested in joining, please contact Paula on 07730 499 287 to confirm a place.


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