Together Magazine November 2019

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Greystoke WI’s October meeting was a Guest Night when we were joined by members of other WIs as well as guests from the village. After a very generous buffet supper we were addressed by Michael Roberts, an auctioneer from PFK. Michael explained how fashion dictates the value of fine arts and antiques so some items have declined in value whereas others have risen. He told us a little about some popular auction items such as Chinese jade and vintage wines and spirits. We heard how fifty percent of their sales are made through the internet, but that they still manage to attract lots of customers to their auction rooms.

Michael spent about an hour examining the items which had been brought to the meeting, working out the date of manufacture and the approximate value. It was fascinating to watch him at work. There were pleasant surprises for some and a rueful laugh for others. The outstanding item for Michael was a Keswick School of Industrial Art copper pot brought in by Di Hetherington.

In November we have a change to our published meeting. We are making a Christmas tea towel under the guidance of Christine Rose. She will bring packs of the materials needed at the cost of £5 per person.

If you would like to join WI please contact Hazel McGrath.

Greystoke Social Club
Our next meetings are:

  • Monday 4 November – A talk by Barry Todhunter on Blencathra Foxhounds – Greystoke Village Hall at 2.00pm
  • Monday 18 November – Denis Westmorland, ‘Music and Craic’ – Greystoke Village Hall at 2.00pm

Early notice for your diaries – Annual Bring and Buy Sale – Monday 9 December at 2.00pm in Greystoke Village Hall

Everyone is welcome to our meetings and on our trips. We hope that you will enjoy yourselves and eventually become a member.

John Danks (Chairman)

St Andrew’s Church
Many of the members of St Andrew’s fund raising group attended the Swimming Pool film night on Saturday 12 October, and it gave us great pleasure to present a cheque for £600 as the church’s contribution to the swimming pool redevelopment fund.

The group raises funds throughout the year to maintain the Church and keep it open and available to the local Greystoke community and visitors alike.

We look forward to the refurbished Swimming Pool bringing great enjoyment and fun to ourselves, our children and grandchildren!

Janet Buckley and Maureen Hardy on behalf of the fundraising group.

Remembrance Sunday – 10 November
The annual service of remembrance will take place in Greystoke Church at 10.15am, followed by the laying of wreaths and the two minutes silence around the cross on the village green. This will be led by the Rev Richard Hall.

PCC St Andrew’s Greystoke

Erection of Tent in St Andrew’s Church
We will be erecting the tent on Saturday 2 November and would appreciate help if anyone can spare some time. We will start at 10.00am, but the main help is needed at 11.00am when the tent structure has to be lifted. No pay – but coffee and biscuits will be provided.

PCC St Andrew’s Church

St Andrew’s Church Frost Fair

St Andrew’s Church Frost Fair will be held on Saturday 30 November between 10.00am and 3.00pm in the village hall. There will be a café with homemade cakes, scones and soup. There will also be a variety of Christmas gift stalls, small Christmas cakes and Christmas goodies, bric-à-brac and books.

St. Andrew’s Church Illumination

It is about this time of year that everyone is thinking of Christmas. Rushing about buying and sending Christmas cards, and ordering presents from Santa!

Perhaps also we are thinking of Christmas’s past, when our loved ones spent such happy times with us, and now, it is not quite the same.

At St Andrews Church, Greystoke, it has now become a tradition, that we illuminate the Church tower, in memory of all those who are no longer with us. I am sure you will agree, that the light reflects the true meaning of Christmas. We had a lot of lovely comments last year, from villagers, and even those driving from Motherby, and outside the area.

If anyone would like to contribute to the Church Illumination Fund, please contact Diane Hetherington or any Church member.

Many thanks, Di Hetherington

Greystoke Bingo Nights
Greystoke Bingo Nights will be held in the village hall on Fridays 8 and 22 November, 6 December and 10 January 2020.

These bingo nights are our main fundraising activity of the year and can only take place thanks to the fantastic support we receive from our local community. This being so, we will shortly be asking for donations of prizes for our popular bingo nights.

Swimming Pool Refurbishment
As a result of all the fundraising and grants the refurbishment started in late October and should be finished by the end of February 2020. The committee will be liaising with the builders so if you have any questions please let us know.

Swimming Pool Fundraising
We still need to raise funds to fit out the new café so if you haven’t done so already please Buy a Brick.

You can still purchase a brick to have your name on the wall in the new interior.

If the idea of donating online doesn’t appeal please ring Janice Weatherill and she will pop round to collect your donation.

Greystoke Film Nights
We have the following film nights scheduled for the autumn/ winter.

  • Saturday 12 October – Fisherman’s Friend
    A feel-good story about the discovery of a most unusual ‘boy-band’ set in Cornwall!
  • Saturday 30 November – Red Joan
    Staring Dame Judi Dench
  • Saturday 18 January – Breakfast at Tiffany’s
  • Saturday 29 February – Mrs Lowry and Son
  • Saturday 28 March – What We Did On Our Holidays

Tickets £12 (£8 under 16) include film, supper and ice cream. Licensed bar.

Available from Greystoke Post Office or Judith Aris

Greystoke Swimming Pool Volunteers Thank You Evening and AGM

If you have volunteered in any way over the past year with the pool please join us on Wednesday 11 December in the Oak Room at the Boot and Shoe, Greystoke from 8:30pm for a great, social get-together.

We will have a short AGM from 7:30pm that you are welcome to attend.

Swimming Pool Draw

Thank you to all who continue to give your support to the Swimming Pool Monthly Draw, supporting a worthwhile cause whilst being in with a chance of winning a cash prize; it’s a win/win!
[learn_more caption=”October’s Winners”]

  • £20-99 Clarissa Hoskinson
  • £15-48 Louise & Simon
  • £10-28 Tim Mather
  • £5-127 Ella & Johnathan Tiffin
  • £5-96 Roy & Mel Thompson
  • £5-65 Steven & Vickie Amos
  • £5-82 Gavin & Judith Aris


Greystoke Swimming Pool Draw runs January to December, with seven monthly cash prizes and a big Christmas draw with prizes up to £50. It’s £15 for the whole year and half of all monies received are given out in cash prizes and half goes to help run the pool.

2020 will see big changes at the pool as the refurbishment of the changing room and café gets underway – fundraising has enabled this to happen, so a big thank you to all of you who continue to support our amazing village amenity, which includes being in the monthly pool draw.

Payment for 2020 is due by mid-December so collectors will be visiting, or you can pay by BACS or standing order.

For more information contact Emma Nielsen or Sarah Dobinson. Also, see the Greystoke & District Swimming Pool facebook page or website[/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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