Together Magazine May 2019

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Greystoke WI
Greystoke WI’s April meeting was Travelling Players who presented some short dramas. Mike Head told us a little of what goes on at The Players in Penrith and the variety of voluntary jobs that need to be filled there. He also gave out flyers advertising the productions for this year.

The first drama was a sweet monologue about a chance meeting on a bus. This was followed by some musical items to show the sort of thing that happens at Plug and Play, where there are open mic sessions and a performance by a guest act.

Finally, we were treated to a three person drama about a recent widower’s bid for freedom after a life of pleasing others. The audience was very appreciative of the humour. We were invited, if we had enjoyed these tasters, to come and see some of the productions at The Players.

In May our speakers will be Pat Hall and Pat Martin talking about Calories and Corsets. The competition will be a recipe for – or an actual – low calorie dish.

If you would like to join WI please contact Hazel McGrath.

Greystoke Social Club
Our next meetings are:

  • Monday 20 May – Outing to Skipton via Settle to Carlisle Railway Line. The coach leaves village at 8.00am, travelling to Langwathby where we board the train to Skipton. Cost of coach and train fare £28
  • Monday 3 June – a talk by Jackie Huck – “How to Drop a Brick Without Trying” – Greystoke Village Hall at 2.00pm
  • Monday 17 June – Outing to Styal Village near Manchester.

All are welcome to our meetings and on our outings. We hope that you will eventually decide to become members. John Danks (Chairman)

Greystoke Children’s Sports Day
This year’s Sports Day will be held on Sunday 19 May. The races will start at 2.00pm and will be followed by a BBQ at 3.00pm.

Everyone welcome

Plant Sale, Café and Stalls
A plant sale, café and stalls in aid of St. Andrew’s Church, Greystoke, will be held on Saturday 4 May, between 10.00am and 2.00pm, in Greystoke Village Hall.

Tomato and young vegetable plants, as well as seedlings, will be for sale plus a variety of herbaceous plants, all at very reasonable prices. Tea and coffee, and cakes will be on offer whilst, at lunch time, home-made soup will be available.

If you are separating herbaceous plants or taking cuttings please could you keep us in mind with anything which we might be able to sell. We are happy to pot it on. Any spare seedlings would also be most welcome.

If anyone would like to get more involved or more information please contact Shirley Mounsey.

Craft Fair
A Craft Fair will be held at St. Andrew’s Church, Greystoke over May Bank Holiday weekend.

  • Saturday 25 May 10.00am-4.00pm
  • Sunday 26 May 11.00am-4.00pm
  • Monday 27 May 10.00am-4.00pm

There will be a variety of craft stalls, some of which have not exhibited here before, as well as the as our own produce stall. Pine Tree Nursery Glassonby will also have their plant stall.

Why not come down and enjoy a cuppa and homemade cake? At lunchtime homemade soup will be available.

For further information, please contact Janet Buckley or Shirley Mounsey

Open Gardens
Just to let you know that Greystoke Church is organising an open gardens again this year – on Sunday 7 July.

Further details from Janet Buckley or Shirley Mounsey

Swimming Pool Draw
The winners of the Pool Monthly Draw for April 2019 are:

  • 81 £20 Peter Boyd
  • 70 £15 Sarah Dobinson
  • 101 £10 Julian & Jacquie
  • 5 £5 Pat & Lucy Freeman
  • 128 £5 Mike & Val Simpson
  • 169 £5 Emma Nielsen
  • 137 £5 Tony & Carolyne James

Congratulations all!

Swimming Pool Fundraising
We now have a fundraising gauge on the side to the Village Hall and hopefully, with support, the total will rise over the summer.

Please support our efforts by ‘Buying a Brick’ and have your name or company name, on the wall as part of the refurbishment. Please go to for further details.

  • Wednesday 15 May – Evening meal at the Dog and Gun, Skelton
  • Saturday 22nd June – Music Gig at the Village Hall
  • Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September – Beer Festival (Two great nights of music and food with a great selection of beers)

Swimming Pool
The pool is now open and we hope you will come down for a swim.

Season tickets are available from the website or from the pool café.

Volunteers are always welcome if you would like to spend a few hours supporting this great facility. If you missed our volunteer training events, another will be held on Thursday 2 May. For further information, or you’d like to help, please contact Janice.

Greystoke Parish Council
The next Greystoke Parish Council meeting is on Wednesday 8 May at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.

Roy Fisher (Chairman)


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