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Greystoke WI had two speakers from Samaritans at our February meeting. Mary and Ann told us how Chad Varah founded the group to listen to desperate people in order to try to prevent suicides. We heard how volunteers are given thorough training with weekly sessions over nine weeks and then start by working in tandem with a more experienced volunteer.
The centre at Carlisle sounded extremely busy. Apparently, if the phone is not ringing they assume it is broken. While some volunteers take phone calls, others answer emails and letters. For a few there can be face to face meetings as well. It was interesting to hear that some volunteers are sent to patrol the railway station to chat to passengers. All the staff at the Samaritans centre are volunteers apart from the cleaner.
Mary and Anne were engaging speakers, drawing us in through questions and making us think about the main concerns of their callers. To keep talking is obviously very important for our wellbeing.
In March we look forward to an evening with Stuart Bowie, a magician. The competition will be Something magical.
If you would like to join WI please contact Hazel McGrath.
Greystoke Social Club
Our next meetings, at 2.00pm in Greystoke Village Hall are:
- Monday 2 March – A Surprise Activity!!!
- Monday 16 March – Comic Verses by Dorothy Ford
- Monday 6 April – Penrith Players, a talk by Mike Head
We welcome all to our meetings, and we hope that you will decide to join our number.
John Danks (Chairman)
St Andrew’s Church – Tower Lighting Fund
On behalf of the PCC and indeed everyone at St. Andrew’s Church, can I thank all of those kind people who donated to our Christmas Tower Lighting Fund.
It was so nice to see our Church lit up once again, bringing back so many memories of past Christmases, and all of those loved ones who are no longer with us.
We heard many favourable comments, particularly after our Carol concert when all the Christmas trees were judged.
Thank you all once again.
Di Hetherington
Messy Church – Greystoke Village Hall
Come and join us as we explore Jesus’ teaching through The Sermon on the Mount, by activities, by celebrating and by sharing in a meal.
Saturday 14 March, 4.00pm – 6.00pm.
Just turn up you will be warmly welcomed.
Film Nights
Our next film night is on Saturday 28 March.
What We Did on Our Holiday stars Billy Connolly and David Tennant. Witty and well cast, this film injects laughs into a story dealing with emotional themes.
£12 for film, supper and ice cream. Licensed bar available.
Tickets from the Post Office or Judith Aris.
Swimming Pool Renovations
The renovation work finishes in March, however we will need to complete a number of jobs before the pool can open.
We will need to lay a patio and paint the outside of the building amongst many other jobs
We hope people are willing to volunteer and help us get the new season off to a great start in the new building.
Swimming Pool Draw
Thank you to all who continue to give your support to the Swimming Pool Monthly Draw, supporting a worthwhile cause whilst being in with a chance of winning a cash prize; it’s a win/win!
Congratulations to the winners of January and February Monthly Draws.
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There are seven cash prizes each month and bonus draws in December. It’s £15 for the whole year – if you would like to be entered for the next 10 draws contact Emma Nielsen.
Greystoke 10km Trail Run Sunday 8 March at 10.30am
Entries are open for this swimming pool fundraising event being held on the Castle Estate – a fully marked and marshalled course amid wonderful scenery.
Prizes for major male and female categories and all finishers will receive a free swim session for the pool when the refurbished buildings open for the 2020 season.
£12 to enter – all proceeds going to the pool refurbishment project.
Enter online or for more information see the pool website or contact Emma Nielsen.
Help/volunteers required Sunday Morning 8 March for the Swimming Pool Fundraising Event
The swimming pool is organising a 10km running race to raise money for the final leg of the pool renovations. The race route is on the Castle Estate and hot drinks, cake and bacon butties will be on sale in the village hall.
To help support this great village facility, we require volunteers to help with baking cakes, car parking, handing out race numbers, being a course marshal, handing water to runners and serving refreshments in the hall. Full briefings will be given.
The race starts at 10.30am. Think you can spare some time to lend a hand? Any and all help appreciated – contact Emma Nielsen or any Pool Committee member.
Many Thanks
Greystoke Parish Council
The next Parish Council meeting is at 7.30pm on Tuesday 3 March in the Village Hall.
Greystoke School Easter Bingo Friday 27 March at 6.00pm
Join the Friends of Greystoke School for a fun evening of Easter Bingo.
The event is suitable for all ages and everyone is welcome. Drinks and snacks will be available.
Funds raised will support new playground equipment and books at Greystoke School.[/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]