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Greystoke WI
In a change to the published speaker, Greystoke WI’s May meeting was a talk by Jaqueline Huck about her memory box. Jaqueline’s talk touched on amusing memories from her past such as tangling her front door key in her knicker elastic and the pandemonium caused in her house by a visiting ferret. The most embarrassing situation must have been losing her wig when dancing with a handsome rugby player. She made the Nurse Cadet training sound like something from the mad world of Alice in Wonderland.
Jackie interspersed her talk with readings and poems from her three published books. Old photos were passed around which conjured a very different world. One photo of a Whit walk showed crowds of girls dressed in white, while the boys playing in marching bands. We never did find out which boy in her old school photo was the Timothy Winterish child mentioned in her poem, but we all enjoyed studying her photo and trying to identify him. Jackie had a gift for seeing the humour in some trying situations.
In June we do not have a meeting but instead are going on a day trip to Christine Davidson’s garden. We leave Greystoke car park at 11.00am, have lunch at Hayton Farm Shop at 12 noon and then visit the Garden at 2,00pm.
If you would like to join WI please contact Hazel McGrath.
Greystoke Social Club
Our next meetings are:
- Monday 3 June – a talk by Jackie Huck – “How to Drop a Brick Without Trying” – Greystoke Village Hall at 2.00pm
- Monday 17 June – Outing to Styal Village near Manchester.
This is a National Trust property but there is plenty occupy you without going into the mill including a very reasonable priced garden nursery. [I spent 2 hours just checking it out]. It is also extremely accessible for disabled people.
This not just a trip for Social Club members, everyone is more than welcome. For further details and to book a seat contact Shirley Mounsey
All are welcome to our meetings and on our outings. We hope that you will eventually decide to become members. John Danks (Chairman)
Plant Sale, Café and Stalls
The church fundraising committee would like to give a very big thank you to everyone who supported the plant sale and café either with your generous donations or by coming along to spend your hard earned monies. With your help we raised in the region of £1,400.
St. Andrew’s Summer Concert
St Andrew’s Church, Greystoke will be presenting “Encore Opera” on Friday 12 July at 7.30pm. Tickets are priced at a very reasonable £10 and includes your first glass of wine/soft drink and canapés.
Tickets are available at the village post office, The Boot and Shoe, Maureen Hardy, Janet Buckley, Ros Sanders or any member of the church.
Open Gardens
Advanced notice that Greystoke Church is organising an open gardens again this year – on the afternoon of Sunday 7 July.
Further details in July or from Janet Buckley or Shirley Mounsey
Swimming Pool Fundraising
Fundraising is continuing at the Pool for the refurbishment this autumn.
Please support our efforts by ‘Buying a Brick’ and have your name or company name, on the wall as part of the refurbishment. Please go to www.greystokepool.org.uk for further details.
Sponsored ‘Swimfit’ for adults and children to swim lengths for sponsorship. Information at the Pool.
- Saturday 22 June – Music Night with Soul Junction at Greystoke Village Hall. Licensed bar and tickets from Greystoke Post Office.
- Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September – Beer Festival (Two great nights of music and food with a great selection of beers)
Finally a big thank you to Ben and Lizzie at the Dog and Gun in Skelton for providing a superb fundraising meal.
Swimming Pool
The Pool is now open between 3.00pm and 6.00pm on school days and from 1.00pm to 6.00pm on other days. Season tickets are available, giving families access all summer and adults access to the morning/evening sessions as well.
Season tickets are available from the website or from the pool café.
Thank you to all the people who have offered to volunteer at the pool. If you enjoy a chat, can collect admission money, and make a cup of tea you might enjoy volunteering at the Pool. If interested please ring Janice.
Greystoke Parish Council
The next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 11 June at 7.30pm.
At the AGM on 8 May, the Parish Council has supported the Swimming Pool with £1,000 who are fundraising for a £150,000 make over to their changing rooms and, in order to secure a £30,000 grant off Cumbria Waste Management, have to come up with £3,000 from other sources. The Parish Council also gave £500 to Greystoke Village Hall who of late have had expenditure of £4,000 for work to cover roof and solar power repairs, and painted the kitchen to comply with the Hygiene Standards laid down by EDC because of the kitchen being used to cook the school dinners.
Footpaths are to be cleaned back, and Will Taylor is doing a makeover to the flower bed in the middle of the Village Green.
Ward Councillors
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Roy has also started his 45th year on the Parish Council.
Rachael Kelly is our Clerk.
Roy Fisher (Chairman)