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[box type=”shadow”]Goodbye to Bill and Rosemary
We will be saying our formal goodbyes and thanks to Bill and Rosemary at a service in Greystoke church on Sunday 21 July at 11.00am. Everyone is very welcome to join us.
We shall be joined on this occasion by the congregations of Bill’s other churches – Penruddock, Mungrisdale and Matterdale.
Tea and coffee, accompanied by cake, will be served after the service.[/box]
Greystoke WI
Greystoke WI’s June meeting was a visit to Christine Davidson’s garden with a lunch at Hayton Farm Shop.
There will be no general meeting in July, but there will be a small fundraising event so that WI can buy a brick for the swimming pool. We invite members to attend an afternoon tea and silent auction at 2.00 pm on Thursday 18 July at Eileen Lund’s house. The tea will be free as we hope the auction will raise the funds. Please can members each bring an item to be auctioned.
In August, we invite all comers to an Open meeting with cheese and wine when the garden prizes will be awarded. John Maddison will give a slide show on Cumbrian Gardens. It will start at 7.00pm and there will be no set entry fee, although we ask you to make a donation.
Will all members please bring a grocery item to be packaged up to make hampers for the raffle. Members are also invited to bring an entry for the President’s challenge: Something made with wool.
If you would like to join WI please contact Hazel McGrath.
Greystoke Social Club
Our next meetings are:
- Monday 1 July – ‘Calvert Trust’ – a talk by Rose Cumella at 2.00pm in Greystoke Village Hall
- Monday 15 July – Outing to Whitby
- Monday 5 August – ‘The Lions’ (That’s the charity workers not the animals or rugby players!) – a talk by Derrick Storer at 2.00pm in Greystoke Village Hall
- Monday 19 August – Outing to Chester
- Monday 2 September – ‘Lake District National Park’ – an illustrated talk by Barry Grayburn at 2.00pm in Greystoke Village Hall
For details of the trips and to book a seat please contact Shirley Mounsey.
All are welcome to our meetings and on our outings. We hope that you will eventually decide to become members. John Danks (Chairman)
Craft Fair
On behalf of St. Andrew’s Church, a very big heartfelt thank you to all those who helped in any way at the recent Craft Fair held in the Church. We managed to raise £2300 which was a magnificent effort by all those involved. How wonderful that, as a team, we have raised money to help keep our lovely church maintained.
St. Andrew’s Summer Concert
St Andrew’s Church, Greystoke will be presenting “Encore Opera” on Friday 12 July at 7.30pm. Tickets are priced at a very reasonable £10 and includes your first glass of wine/soft drink and canapés.
The concert will be given by a group called Encore Opera who are a group of talented and experienced singers who will sing a selection of well known arias, duets, ensembles and choruses from popular operas.
Tickets are available at the village post office, The Boot and Shoe, Maureen Hardy or Janet Buckley.
Come and join us for a summer evening of wine and song.
Greystoke Art Exhibition
For the 7th year now, local artists will be showing work in Greystoke church. This will be from Saturday 6 July until mid August, during normal church opening times – 10.00am until 4.00pm.
The artists this year are Janis Young, Thora Talling, Daphne Honey, Jeremy Honey, Sara Musgrave, Rachel Bradley and Christine Hurford.
The work will relate to the church, the spirit of the place and its surroundings, and the work will be in all kinds of artistic media.
Over the years the exhibition has grown in size and has been very popular. All are welcome to pop in and have a look.
Open Gardens and Café
St. Andrew’s Church is holding an Open Garden Event on Sunday 7 July, between 11.00am and 4.00pm. There will be at least 10 gardens and the allotments to enjoy.
Refreshments will be served in the village hall where you can pay your entry and receive a map of those gardens open.
Pine tree Nurseries, who recently sold at the Craft fair, will also be having a stall at the village hall.
Adults £4 Children free
Swimming Pool Fundraising
Fundraising is continuing at the Pool for the refurbishment this autumn.
Please support our efforts by ‘Buying a Brick’ and have your name or company name, on the wall as part of the refurbishment. Please go to www.greystokepool.org.uk for further details.
Sponsored ‘Swimfit’ for adults and children to swim lengths for sponsorship. Information at the Pool.
- Saturday 22 June – Music Night with Soul Junction at Greystoke Village Hall. Licensed bar and tickets from Greystoke Post Office.
- Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September – Beer Festival (Two great nights of music and food with a great selection of beers)
Swimming Pool
The Pool is open between 3.00pm and 6.00pm on school days and from 1.00pm to 6.00pm on other days. Season tickets are available, giving families access all summer and adults access to the morning/evening sessions as well.
Season tickets are available from the website or from the pool café.
Thank you to all the people who have offered to volunteer at the pool. If you enjoy a chat, can collect admission money, and make a cup of tea you might enjoy volunteering at the Pool. If interested please ring Janice.
Swimming Pool Draw
The winners of the Pool Monthly Draw for May 2019 are:
- 116 £20 Ian & Joan Curry
- 80 £15 Peter Trueman
- 135 £10 Mrs E Ellison
- 24 £5 Keith Mandale
- 75 £5 Bob Barnes
- 113 £5 Judith Eilbeck
- 66 £5 Sue Keen
Congratulations all!
Greystoke Parish Council
The next Greystoke Parish Council meetings will be held on Tuesday 30 July and on Tuesday 3 September at 7.30pm in Greystoke Village Hall.
The Best Kept Garden presentation will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday 1 August in the Village Hall by kind permission of Greystoke WI.
Roy Fisher (Chairman)
Greystoke Playgroup
A social get-together for toddler and babies, Mums, Dads and carers from as far afield as you are prepared to travel!
Held at Greystoke Village Hall every Tuesday and Thursday 9.30am to 11.30am (term time only).
New members always welcome; just come along and join in!
Please visit our Facebook page for further details.
2018 Poppy Appeal
A magnificent £1,506.40 was raised from Greystoke and surrounding area (including Stainton and Rheged). Thank you to all who donated, and a very special thank you to all the collectors who generously gave their time.
Mel and Shirley.
Greystoke & Surrounding Villages Oil group
Just a reminder of those in the Oil Group of the contact details: eMail Kate Tomlinson or Facebook Page Greystoke Village & Surrounding Villages Oil Group.
Anyone wanting to place an order for oil please contact me between 23rd and 25th of each month as orders are normally processed with Carr’s Billington on 26th for delivery within 3-4 days after. Minimum order is 500 litres due to the New Compliance rules with Carr’s Billington and Customs & Excise Rules. Standing orders and payment schemes can be arranged through Carr’s Billington, (contact details on your invoice).