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Greystoke Parish Council is asking residents that while the Coronavirus is causing a lot of concern, to be very aware of where you travel, and make sure that if you have been in contact with anyone who may have contacted the disease to isolate yourselves to keep your community safe.
Our Coronavirus support page is now up and running. There, you will find a huge list of people who are happy to help out for those who are self-isolating. There is also information on local businesses delivering food, supplies and hot meals.
Whilst the paper copy of Together will not be available, a leaflet containing details of our community’s support links will be posted through every door. Please please be aware that our amazing community is pulling together during this crisis.
Greystoke WI
Greystoke WI has set up a table in the church where you can pick up things to borrow (DVDs, puzzles, books, etc.) Wipes are available so please take care to wash your hands or sanitise or wipe down items.
If you would like to join WI please contact Hazel McGrath.
Greystoke Social Club
Our next meetings are currently on hold. However, all are welcome to our meetings and on our outings – we hope that you will eventually decide to become members!
John Danks (Chairman)
Holy Week – Church Activities
Whilst the church’s activities are severely curtailed at this time, and rightly so, on Maundy Thursday the bare wooden cross will be erected on the village green as a reminder of the suffering of Jesus on Good Friday.
On Easter Sunday, at about 10.30am, all are invited to the village green and, maintaining social-distancing, thatch the cross with spring flowers in remembrance of the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Day. Everyone is welcome to join us for this simple act.
PCC Greystoke Church
Greystoke Parish Council
Greystoke Parish Council has purchased 2 tons of sand which is in the car park for residents who are in fear of their premises flooding and need to replenish their sand bags.
I also have a certain number of bags for people to use if they need more or to replace the hessian bags that may have fallen to bits just ring me or call in.
Roy Fisher (Chairman)
Swimming Pool Draw
The winners of the Pool Monthly Draw for March 2020 are:
- 173 £20 Becky and Jason Duckworth
- 01 £15 Harry and Hector Ashburner
- 155 £10 Eddy and Jan Walker
- 25 £5 Ross and Tricia Watson
- 206 £5 Tom and Sam Scott
- 169 £5 Emma Nielsen
- 25 £5 Denis Dixon
Film Nights
As you are aware we have postponed the last film but the evenings have already made a useful contribution to the pool fundraising.
Thank you to everyone who came along, our volunteers, and especially our catering team.
We hope to see you later in the year when we resume our events.
Greystoke 10km Trail Run
The pool committee wish to say a great big thank you to all who helped and supported this event, either by marshalling or volunteering on the day, taking part or baking cakes.
The local business community must also be thanked for donating some superb prizes for the race winners in each age category.
It was lovely to see the village a hive of activity, raising funds for our lovely pool. 200 runners entered the event and we raised an incredible £2621.
Countless runners commented on the friendliness of the volunteers and the beautiful location. We couldn’t have done it without you all!!
Thank You.
Swimming Pool Volunteering Opportunities
We welcome anyone who is keen to volunteer at the pool over the summer. If you want to get involved with this great facility please ring Janice Weatherill or post a message on our Facebook page.
We will contact past volunteers to see if you are still interested in helping.
Swimming Pool Opening
We are very grateful to the host of volunteers who have stepped forward to help get the pool ready for the new season. We aim to open at the beginning of May in time for the early bank holiday. Season tickets will go on sale in April with an early bird discount available as usual.
Thank you to everyone who has bought a brick to support the pool. We will be in touch to invite you to a supporters’ event that will take place in late April.
Please see the website for details and confirmation of opening.
Beer Festival 12th – 13th September
Preparations are well underway for our 10th Beer Festival so put the date in your diary for an enjoyable weekend![/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]