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- Sunday 7 February – Holy Communion
– Rev Richard Hall (Celebrant and Preacher) - Sunday 14 February – Morning Praise
– TBC (Service Leader), TBC (Preacher) - Sunday 21 February – Holy Communion
– Rev Richard Hall (Celebrant and Preacher) - Sunday 28 February – Morning Praise
– TBC (Service Leader), TBC (Preacher)
Everyone is welcome to attend our services.
All services are held at 9.15am using Zoom. If you would like to join us please email John Danks who will send you the Zoom invite.
Weekly Coffee and Chat
Every Tuesday at 10.00am we have a chat with coffee you are invited to join us using Zoom. Please contact Maureen Hardy who will provide the Zoom invite.
St. Andrew’s Church Tower Lighting Fund
May I, on behalf of the P.C.C, and the members of St. Andrew’s Church, Greystoke, thank everyone for their wonderful donations to our Church Tower Lighting Fund. We were quite overwhelmed by the response, after what has been a somewhat difficult time.
A lot of our usual festivities had to be cancelled, due to the Covid restrictions, however Greystoke people were able to do their best, with the lovely Advent windows, that proved to be so popular.
The bell ringing team turned out, on what was a cold and frosty morning, and rang a number of Christmas carols and songs, putting everyone in a very happy mood, and about 40 of us enjoyed a walking carol service around the village.
Perhaps by the end of 2021, now that the vaccines have started to do their bit, next Christmas will be showing signs of a bit of normality.
Until then, may I thank you all once again, and stay safe.
Di Hetherington
Swimming Pool Needs You!
We hope the Pool can be opened in some way this summer. We want to share our new facilities with the village and maybe provide a bit of sunshine in these difficult times.
To do this we will need to increase our volunteer team.
There are many different roles: helping us get ready for opening, painting and cleaning, helping in the café and with admissions, maintaining the pool water quality, ordering stock for the café, helping coordinate volunteers, organising fundraising events, etc.
We don’t mind if you can only spare a couple of hours or have days to spare, we can use you! We will be doing all this in a safe way, applying all current COVID guidelines.
If you’d like to get involved with our brilliant local facility, please give Janice a ring.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Janice (017684 83 982)
Greystoke Parish Council
Greystoke Parish Council wants to make dog owners aware of the fact that all dogs within the 30 mile per hour signs must be kept on a lead. There are a lot of people out walking their dogs at the moment and if your dog is not on a lead and it sees another dog you will not be able to stop it attacking the other dog. One person has already been prosecuted for such an incident, so Be Responsible – Be Aware.
We are also very disappointed that Story Homes is wanting the amount of affordable homes reduced from 30% to 5%. This is contrary to the fact that it was agreed that out of the 40 houses being built, 12 would be affordable. To reduce this to 2 is just ridiculous. The original agreement must be adhered to. The younger generation, who we want in our village, cannot afford a market-led dwelling. We shall fight this to the best of our ability. In order to do so we need the backing of our Planners and the Planning Committee on Eden District Council.
We wish you all the best, and keep safe.
Roy Fisher (Chairman)[/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]