The Greystoke Hand Bell Ringers meet in the village hall most Thursdays from 1-30 to 3-30pm to practice ringing the bells. We currently have approximately 10 members who ring 3 octaves of bells with guidance from our Musical Director Maureen Hardy. We give concerts to a variety of groups of people and attend occasional rallies in the Northwest, where we play music we have practised, take part in massed ringing, hear and meet other groups as well as learning new techniques. The run up to Christmas is always a busy time, practising carols and festive music, and performing at the Carol Service as well as for various groups.
Practice includes a tea break, and there may also be cake, biscuits and other baked goods to consume! We welcome people who are interested in learning to play – musical experience is not required. If there is sufficient interest, a beginners group may be arranged at a different time.
Additional Information: Please contact our secretary, Ann, for further details, or to discuss a booking to play.
Address: Greystoke Village Hall
Email: Ann Royle: