1st Greystoke Brownies and Guides is for all girls. We love playing games, making new friends, and learning new skills! We also love biscuits and hot chocolate! We make fires, go on the rope swing, love a night hike, and make yummy tray bakes and cookies. We enjoy trips, sleepovers, residentials, including joining in with County and Region events and camps. We meet from 18:30 on Mondays in term time – Brownies is for girls aged 7-10, and finishes at 20:00 and Guides is for girls aged 10-14 and finishes at 20:30. Our members come from a wide area including Stainton, Newbiggin, Dacre, and Penrith – you don’t have to live in Greystoke or indeed the parish!
Additional Information: Subs are £30 per term. For more information call Georgina or visit the website below.
Address: Meetings at Gresytoke Village Hall
Telephone: Georgina 017684 80871
Website: www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested