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- Sunday 7 March – Holy Communion
– Rev Richard Hall (Celebrant and Preacher) - Sunday 14 March – Mothing Sunday Morning Praise
– Judith Walsh (Service Leader), Graham Simons (Preacher) - Sunday 21 March – Holy Communion
– Rev Richard Hall (Celebrant), Gill Danks (Preacher) - Sunday 28 March – Palm Sunday Morning Praise
– Graham Simons (Service Leader), John Danks (Preacher)
Everyone is welcome to attend our services.
All services are held at 9.15am using Zoom. If you would like to join us please email John Danks who will send you the Zoom invite.
Weekly Coffee and Chat
Every Tuesday at 10.00am we have a chat with coffee you are invited to join us using Zoom.
Please contact Maureen Hardy (80 699) who will provide the Zoom invite.
Easter Services
We shall be sharing in Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services with the congregation of St Patrick’s Church in Patterdale.
Please contact John Danks for the times and a Zoom invite.
Easter Cross
Following our usual pattern, the bare wooden cross will be erected on the village green on the evening of Maundy Thursday. It will remain there for Good Friday and Holy Saturday as a reminder of the sacrifice Christ made for us.
On Easter morning, everyone is invited to dress the cross with daffodils and other spring flowers as we remember the first Easter when Christ defeated death and rose again.
Greystoke WI
Greystoke WI has been unable to hold meetings since February 2020 but we have still tried our best to keep things going within the government Covid regulations.
Early on Hazel set up a stall outside her house for puzzles, books, plants and masks, etc. When six were allowed to meet outside, we had tea parties in gardens. Since then we have not been able to meet but a few of us did gather to plant crocus bulbs at the top of Howard Park. It remains to be seen how many of these will survive the process.
At Christmas and Valentine’s, we were very pleased to receive a container of Spring bulbs and then a pretty primula to let us know that WI had not forgotten us.
Throughout the year we have also had a weekly emailed message board which carries notices and anything people want to share to cheer each other up. To start with we had lots of photos of the spring flowers emerging. It seems incredible that we are already photographing the same flowers a year later.
We have been unable to meet for an AGM but have been asked to hold one at a distance by the end of May. We have established that all the committee are happy to stand once more and hope to circulate a report and voting papers very soon.
If you wish to join WI, please contact Hazel on 83 685.
Greystoke Swimming Pool
The pool committee met on Thursday 25 February and discussed plans in the light of the Government’s announcement on Monday 22 February about the roadmap out of Covid. This provides welcome clarity going forward.
Initially, we intend to open for our adult swimming club members in May; and then progress to opening the pool and café for members of the public in June once we have some lifeguards.
Of course, this is all subject to government regulations.
Further information on season tickets and opening dates will be announced in April.
We look forward to welcoming you back to the pool this summer.
Swimming Pool Draw
Thank you to all who continue to give your support to the Swimming Pool Monthly Draw, supporting a worthwhile cause whilst being in with a chance of winning a cash prize; it’s a win/win!
Congratulations to the winners of February’s Monthly Draw.
- 11 £20 Andrew Wilson
- 207 £15 Steve & Leslie
- 96 £10 Roy & Mel
- 13 £5 Julie Boothman
- 105 £5 John Smith
- 55 £5 Steve & Tara
- 192 £5 Guy & Hazel
There are seven cash prizes each month and bonus draws in December. It’s £15 for the whole year – if you would like to be entered for the next 10 draws contact Emma Nielsen.[/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]