St. Andrew’s Greystoke, Church Services May 2024
Sunday 5 May – Family Worship
Sunday 12 May – Holy Communion
Sunday 19 May – Family Worship
Sunday 26 May – Holy Communion
All our services start at 11.00am, coffee and cake are served from 10.30am onward, please join us. All services over the summer period will be held in St Andrew’s Church and, now that the tent has been packed away for the summer, services will be in the nave.
Children’s activities are available at the Family Worship services, and will be held in a new spacious gazebo erected in the south aisle of the church especially for the children.
We would love to see you at our services.
Greystoke Social Club
Monday 6 May – Talk on Hedgehogs by Sue Kane
Thursday 23 May – Outing to Tatton Park – gardens and house. Leaving Greystoke at 8.30am. For details of costs and to book a seat please contact Shirley Mounsey on 017684 80 430.
Monday 3 June – A talk by Moira Dudson on the topic of Occupational Therapy
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings, which are held in Greystoke Village Hall and start at 2.00pm. There is a charge of £2 (Members £1) which includes tea and biscuits. Come along and see what we have planned for the remainder of the year.
Greystoke Parish Community Housing Initiative
Everyone should have now received their paper survey. Remember you can fill it in online too – it takes less than five minutes! The survey closes on Tuesday 14 May.
April also saw us promote two affordable houses being advertised via Eden Housing Association and Cumbria Choice. We’ll let you know more about the outcome when we know more.
We are also in the process of organising meetings with other local housing groups.
Stay up to date with news and housing opportunities on facebook and online.
St Andrew’s Church Plant Sale
Spring is coming with the snowdrops now gone and the daffodils in flower, and our thoughts turn to gardening and dividing plants and growing seeds. St. Andrew’s is organising its annual Plant Sale in the Village Hall on Saturday 11 May from 9.30am to 2.00pm, to raise funds for the church building.
We are planning to sell plants outside (weather permitting), and have, in the hall, a café and home produce stall selling bacon baps, soup and rolls, and scones, a variety of cakes, and tea and coffee, all at reasonable prices.
There will also be a tombola and a books and jigsaws stall.
We are requesting donations of plants (flowers, vegetables and tomatoes) and unwanted garden implements and equipment. Please contact Shirley to arrange collection, bring to the village hall after 3.30pm on Friday 10 May, or bring on the day.
All are welcome and, if you are new to the village, please come and join us for this village community event. Watch out for further information on the village notice board and Facebook page.
Greystoke Parish Council
The next Parish Council meeting is at 7.00pm on Tuesday 7 May in the Village Hall.
Charity Quiz Night
Put your quizzing skills to the test at Greystoke Village Hall at 7.00pm on Saturday 22 June at a charity quiz night in aid of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and Greystoke Primary School. With a half-time pit-stop for pie and peas plus great prizes for the winning teams, as well as the opportunity to take home a Champagne Taittinger hamper in the raffle, this is sure to be a memorable evening.
The monies raised on the night will go to Duchenne UK, a charity aiming to find better treatments for this muscle-wasting condition, which affects one of Greystoke’s pupils. A portion of the proceeds will also go to Greystoke Primary School so get your teams together.
Pie and peas are included in the ticket price £12. It is an over-18s only event with a licensed bar.
To buy tickets, go to or email Rebecca Gibb or call her on 07414 541 820. If you are a business who wishes to pledge a raffle prize, do get in touch.
Greystoke Open Gardens and Scarecrow Trail
This popular village event, on Sunday 23 June between 11.00am and 3:30pm, is being organised jointly by St. Andrew’s Church, the Parish Council, the Village Hall and the Village School – a real whole village event.
There will be a wonderful trail taking you around the village to view gardens and scarecrows. There will also be a fête in the school grounds and of course the Village Hall will have a café serving refreshments throughout the day.
To help us make this day a real success we need as many folk involved as possible, whether it be opening your garden, creating a scarecrow or helping out in the café by serving or baking.
If you think you can help us in any way please contact either Maureen or Laura.
Greystoke Village Hall – Caretaker Wanted
The Greystoke Village Hall committee is looking for a new caretaker. We are hoping to recruit a trustworthy person that takes pride in their work to keep the community Village Hall clean, replenished with stock and well maintained.
This is a paid position of 25 hours per month and you will be well supported by the voluntary committee.
For further information, or to apply, please contact Laura Seel, chairperson.