St. Andrew’s Greystoke, Church Services April 2024
Sunday 7 April – Praise and Worship in the Village Hall
Sunday 14 April – Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church
Sunday 21 April – Praise and Worship in the Village Hall
Sunday 28 April – Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church
All our Sunday services start at 11.00am, coffee and cake are served from 10.30am onward, please join us. Activities for children are provided at all the Praise and Worship services in the village hall.
Greystoke Social Club
Monday 15 April – Our AGM, followed by games, nothing too boisterous!
Monday 6 May – To be confirmed
Thursday 23 May – Outing to Tatton Park
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings, which are held in Greystoke Village Hall and start at 2.00pm. There is a charge of £2 (Members £1) which includes tea and biscuits. Come along and see what we have planned for the remainder of the year. For outing details, contact Shirley Mounsey
St Andrew’s Church Plant Sale
Spring is coming with the snowdrops out and the daffodils beginning to flower and our thoughts turn to gardening and dividing plants and growing seeds. St. Andrew’s is organising its annual Plant Sale in the Village Hall on Saturday 11 May from 9.30am to 2.00pm, to raise funds for the church building.
We are planning to sell plants outside (weather permitting), and have, in the hall, a café and home produce stall selling bacon baps, soup and rolls, and scones, a variety of cakes, and tea and coffee, all at reasonable prices.
There will also be a tombola and a books and jigsaws stall.
We are requesting donations of plants (flowers, vegetables and tomatoes) and unwanted garden implements and equipment. Please contact Shirley to arrange collection, bring to the village hall after 3.30pm on Friday 10 May, or bring on the day.
All are welcome and, if you are new to the village, please come and join us for this village community event. Watch out for further information on the village notice board and Facebook page.
Greystoke Parish Council
The next Parish Council meeting is at 7.00pm on Tuesday 16 April in the Village Hall.
Greystoke WI
On Thursday 7 March, Greystoke WI held a brief AGM when we voted in our new committee and presidents. We are pleased to announce that the three ladies sharing the President’s role last year are happy to continue this year. They are Val Simpson, Jennifer Allen and Sue Nowson. The AGM was followed by a slideshow from Margaret Rinder. The slides gave a wonderful impression of what life is like on Orkney where Margaret lived before coming to Greystoke. We heard about the schooling, the healthcare and the island hopping on small planes and ferries.
On Thursday 4 April, we look forward to hearing from Bill Neville about all sorts of legal matters which might be relevant to older adults. The competition is an old document so it will be interesting to see what comes to light.
If you would like to join us at WI meetings, please contact Sue, Val or Jennifer.
Bus Action Group
Thank you to everyone that attended our meeting at the end of February, the notes from that meeting can be found via the Greystoke online website (with the link) and a copy will be printed for display on the village noticeboard.
We will consult on Plan B in the next few weeks, so please look out for more details or email Pam to get involved.
Greystoke Parish Community Housing Initiative
We didn’t quite make getting the housing survey into the magazine as advertised, but it will be with you soon! We hope you can find just a few minutes to complete it either on paper or online. It’s really important that your views are taken into account.
The survey closes on 14 May. Paper copies may be returned to the shop, and we’d encourage everyone in the household to complete the survey.
Some spare paper copies are available at the shop now, and you can also fill in the survey in online. Follow us on Facebook and on the website to keep up to date with news, and to see the results of the survey.
Penrith Repair Café
Penrith Repair Café runs on the second Saturday of each month from 10.00am to 1.00pm at the Old Fire Station on Bridge Lane. Skilled volunteers fix your household items, keeping them in use and out of landfill. Delicious home baked cakes too. All repairs and refreshments are free of charge but donations appreciated.
Swimming Pool Draw – March 2024
Congratulation to the winners of the pool monthly draw for March.
£20 – Mark and Alice Townsend – 166
£15 – Harry and Hector Ashburner – 01
£10 – Annie Swarbrick – 156
£5 – Keith and Jane Hardcastle – 201
£5 – Margaret Rinder – 216
£5 – Henry and Anna Howard – 125
£5 – Kay Darbyshire – 05
Greystoke Open Gardens and Scarecrow Trail
If you are interested in participating in this event on Sunday23rd June, between 11.00am and 3.00pm, either by opening your garden (your garden does not need to be pristine or of professional standard!!!!) or by creating a scarecrow please contact Maureen Hardy or Laura Thomson.
Please support this wonderful community event. More details to follow in the next issue.
Roy Reminisces
I reminisce in 2004, when I was chairman of Eden District Council. At that time the people who came and bought our little village dwellings only paid 90% of the full council rate. As Chairman, I proposed that, as they were emptying our villages of young people by out bidding them for the dwellings, they should pay double the council rate. I was defeated, and I was told by law that we could not do that. It has taken 20 years hopefully to see that they will now have to pay double – but I fear the horse has already bolted and the damage done.
As regards the proposed 20mph limit, how can that be controlled when those are breaking the 30mph and 40mph speed limit cannot be controlled? You only have to stand up near Fawn Meadows and see the speed, not just of the cars, but the wagons as well. We need to try and find some way of making the speed cameras we have legal so that speeders can be prosecuted.
By the way the crocuses have been looking good. Next, the daffodils, fruits of our labours.
Roy Fisher.