St. Andrew’s Greystoke, Church Services March 2024
Sunday 3 March – Praise and Worship in the Village Hall
Sunday 10 March – Holy Communion in St Andrew’s Church
Sunday 17 March – Praise and Worship in the Village Hall
Sunday 24 March – Palm Sunday Holy Communion in St Andrew’s Church
Maundy Thursday 28 March – at 7.00pm – Holy Communion with Re-enactment of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, followed by a short period of quiet reflection – in church
Good Friday 29 March – 2.00pm – 3.00pm – Meditation “An Hour at the Cross” in Mungrisdale Church
Easter Day, Sunday 31 March – Holy Communion celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus in St Andrew’s Church
All our Sunday services start at 11.00am, coffee and cake are served from 10.30am onward, please join us. Activities for children are provided at all the Praise and worship services in the village hall.
Easter Cross
As is usual, a bare wooden cross will be erected on the village green on Maundy Thursday in memory of the suffering that Jesus endured in the days leading up to his death on Good Friday.
On Easter Day everyone is welcome to dress the cross with spring flowers to remember his glorious resurrection on that day which won for us eternal life. A selection of flowers for you to use will be provided.
Greystoke Social Club
Monday 4 March – Please see the village notice board and Facebook page
Monday 18 March – Please see the village notice board and Facebook page
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings, which are held in Greystoke Village Hall and start at 2.00pm. There is a charge of £2 (Members £1) which includes tea and biscuits. Come along and see what we have planned for the remainder of the year.
Greystoke WI
In January WI had a New Year’s meal at The Brantwood. It was a very pleasant evening. We thanked Val Simpson for liaising with The Brantwood and for her careful planning for the event. Congratulations to Allan’s team who won Jennifer’s interesting and challenging quiz.
Our speaker in February was Catherine Smith who gave a passionate and fascinating talk on Forest Bathing. She also covered the benefits of cold water immersion, which could be useful for people who suffer from Reynaud’s syndrome when used on the hands and feet. We also heard about the ways trees communicate with each other using chemicals and fungi. Finally, Catherine encouraged us to shop mindfully so we can do our bit to stop the chopping down of trees and reduce the chemicals washing into our waterways. There was a lot of food for thought.
On Thursday 7 March we have a brief AGM when we vote in our new committee and president(s). If you would like to help by being on the committee please let us know. The AGM will be followed by a slideshow from Margaret Rinder. Although birds are not the subject, Margaret is a keen birdwatcher so the competition is a feather.
If you would like to join us at WI meetings, please contact Sue , Val or Jennifer.
Greystoke Village Hall AGM
At the AGM on Monday 5 February it was reported that the hall had continued to be well used in 2023 by various groups and hirers, fundraising events had been well attended and the village had enjoyed the Coronation celebrations and children’s sports in May.
The bank balance is currently healthy and the committee wanted to thank everyone for their continued support. Extended thanks must go to all the volunteers and in particular Allan Marshall who regularly goes above and beyond.
Going forward into 2024, the committee hope for even more fundraisers to support the viability of the hall. The ever increase energy costs now present a challenge for the hall’s funds. We are currently looking at hall hire fees. Any and all ideas or thoughts on village hall fundraising events are always welcome.
The committee for 2024 remain as Chair Laura Seel, Treasurer Ann Truman and Secretary Emma Nielsen .
Greystoke Parish Council
The next Parish Council meeting is at 7.00pm on Tuesday 12 March in the Village Hall.
Greystoke Swimming Pool Monthly Draw
The committee is delighted to report that we now have 246 fully paid up draw members for 2024. That’s a whopping £2214 raised for the pool, playpark and sports field. We would like to thank everyone that supports the draw; we wouldn’t raise these funds without your generosity.
The winners for January are: £20 – Becky & Scott Morgan 231 £15 – Norman & Christine Bell 88 £10 – G&J Worthington 109 £5 – The Wallaces 100 £5 – Ruth Bridges 95 £5 – Ann Truman 158 £5 – Mike & Frances Bousfield 204 | The winners for February are: £20 – Mike & Val Simpson 128 £15 – Ella & Jonathan Tiffin 127 £10 – Sally Allison 247 £5 – Diane Jones 6 £5 – Bob & Denise Park 104 £5 – Lyn & Dick Mol 148 £5 – Norman Lund 115 |