Greystoke Together February 2024

St. Andrew’s Greystoke, Church Services February 2024

Sunday 4 February – Praise and Worship in the Village Hall
Sunday 11 February – Holy Communion in St Andrew’s Church
Sunday 18 February – Praise and Worship in the Village Hall
Sunday 25 February – Holy Communion in St Andrew’s Church

All our services start at 11.00am, coffee and cake are served from 10.30am onward, please join us. Activities for children are provided at all the Praise and worship services in the village hall.

Ash Wednesday (14 February)

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the church’s season of Lent, culminating in the joy of Easter Sunday when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. On Ash Wednesday there will be a service of Holy Communion in St Andrew’s Church starting at 7.30pm.

St. Andrew’s Church Greystoke Tower Lighting Fund

Once again, can I say a big thank you to all of those kind people who so generously donated to St Andrew’s Church Tower Lighting Fund. It was so nice to see the tower so brightly shining during all of our Christmas festivities. Thank you all so much. Di Hetherington.

Greystoke Social Club

Monday 19 February – A talk on the work of the charity Mind by Janet Buckley.

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings, which are held in Greystoke Village Hall and start at 2.00pm. There is a charge of £2 which includes tea and biscuits. Come along and see what we have planned for the remainder of the year.

Greystoke WI

Greystoke WI meets at 7.00 pm on Thursday 1 February. Our speaker, Catherine Smith, will tell us about Forest Bathing. The competition will be a fir cone ornament.

Please be aware that our March meeting is on the 7th, not on the 1st as listed in the programme.

If you would like to join us at WI meetings, please contact Sue on 07754 329 204, Val on 017684 83 585 or Jennifer on 07984 663 521.

Greystoke Handbell Ringers

Greystoke Handbell Ringers would like to thank everyone who came to support us on Friday 22 December. We really enjoyed the informal atmosphere of the morning. We felt triumphant to survive Troika, to say nothing of Ding Dong Merrily on High! Thank you also for your great generosity. Just over £100 was donated. This will help us to pay the hall fees for our practice sessions and to buy new music.

If you would like to find out more about handbells, please contact Maureen.

Greystoke Village Hall AGM

An invitation to attend the AGM at 7.30pm on Monday 5 February is extended to all. New committee members or helpers are always welcome to join our friendly team, working to ensure that this wonderful community facility remains available to all.

2023 has been a busy year and the committee would like to thank all those who have helped with and supported the hall. Without the generosity of supporters and volunteers both in terms of giving their time and attending events the hall would not function. We are looking forward to building on our successes in 2024.

Any queries? Chair: Laura Seel (07828 741 354), Secretary: Emma Nielsen (017684 80 557)

Greystoke Parish Council

The next Parish Council meeting is at 7.00pm on Tuesday 12 March in the Village Hall.

Greystoke Survey to Seek Views on Affordable Housing

People living in Greystoke are to be asked for their views on whether more affordable housing should be provided in the village and surrounding parish. A group of local residents is securing funding with the help of Greystoke Parish Council to carry out a survey to see if there is support in principle for a community-led housing project to look at providing more affordable houses to rent or buy.

The group was formed towards the end of 2022 in response to concerns that the relatively high cost of housing in Greystoke is making it difficult for young people and families with a local connection to live there.

The group’s Facebook page Greystoke Community Housing ( has details on the forthcoming survey and the project itself. Please follow it for more information. The survey will be distributed to homes in Greystoke soon and your help in completing it would be much appreciated.

The ‘Dacre Do’

Saturday 24 February at 7.30pm in Dacre Village Hall. There will be a bar, food and live music from Pete Lashley – and dancing!

Follow us and check for more details on our Dacre (Cumbria) Community Facebook Page

Bus Action Group

A huge thank you to everyone that signed our petition and thank you very much to Patrick Freeman and all our supporters who helped us get the petition out to people; it was a lot of effort.

Was it worth it? YES! In two weeks, 349 people told us they supported and would use a bus with 79% of respondents being from Greystoke, (including the Ghyll). So many groups got involved in this, it gave us a real boost, we were particularly pleased to be invited to Greystoke school and the children did us proud. Not bad for a hamlet!

The data and information have been sent to Westmorland and Furness Council, who are currently in negotiation with a bus provider to look at providing a scheduled service that will run through the village multiple times per day on its way between Penrith and Keswick. So … watch this space!

Pam, Bernie, Raife, Janet and Iain – the Bus Action Group.

Village Total  Online Paper % Total Respondents
Greystoke incl ghyll 277 153 124 79%
Motherby 7 7 0 2%
Newbiggin 14 7 7 4%
Johnby 9 8 1 3%
Other 32 16 16 9%
Blencowe 3 3 0 1%
Penrith 7 3 4 2%
Total  349 197 152 100%
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