Greystoke News April 2023

Latest News and What’s On in and around Greystoke in April 2023

St. Andrew’s Greystoke, Church Services April 2023

  • Sunday 2 April – Holy Communion with distribution of Palm Crosses
  • Sunday 16 April – Holy Communion
  • Sunday 22 April – Morning Praise
  • Sunday 30 April – Benefice Service at All Saints Penruddock

All our services start at 11.00am and, at Greystoke, coffee and cake is served from 10.30am. We would love to see you.

Holy Week

  • Palm Sunday – at the 11.00am service palm crosses will be distributed to remember Christ’s triumphant entry to Jerusalem riding humbly on a donkey and welcomed by waving palms.
  • Maundy Thursday – at 7.00pm a service will be held in St Andrew’s to commemorate Christ’s institution of the Holy Communion and his command that we should become servants. Martin will wash the feet of those who wish, as Christ did for his disciples, and celebrate Holy Communion with the words that Christ gave us.
  • Good Friday – at 2.00pm there is an opportunity to join with our fellow Christians at the church of St Kentigern in Mungrisdale to quietly contemplate the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross.
  • Cross of Witness and Celebration – a bare wooden cross will remain on the village green during Good Friday and Holy Saturday as a witness to the sacrifice Christ made on the cross. You are then invited to add daffodils to the cross on Easter Day to mark his triumphant resurrection. If you do not have any daffodils some will be provided at the foot of the cross, please use them.
  • Easter Day – at the 11.00am service we will celebrate Christ’s resurrection in word, song and with Holy Communion. Please join us and then mark the day by decorating the cross on the green. HALLELUJAH HE IS RISEN INDEED!!!!

St Andrew’s Plant Fair
St Andrew’s Church is organising its annual Plant Fair on Saturday 20 May in the village hall from 10.00am to 3.00pm, to raise funds for the church. The funds will go towards the cost of insuring the church so that both St Andrew’s and Penruddock churches remain open.

Plants will be sold outside the village hall, and inside there will be a café selling soup, scones, drinks and cakes, a home produce stall, in-door plants and a Tombola.

So as the weather is now getting a little warmer and Spring is in the air, and we are able to begin to get into the garden and split plants and sow seeds, please could you think of us and donate any excess plants. If you have plants to donate please contact Shirley.

If you have time to spare we are always pleased to see new people and for any extra help so let Shirley know if you are able to help. Or please just bring yourself and support us and be part of a sociable, enjoyable village community event.

Greystoke Altar Frontal
Greystoke’s community altar frontal The Trinity is complete. Thanks to the countless people of all ages who made leaves. For all those who took part and the whole village community, we are planning a dedication and celebration for this on Sunday 11 June at the 11.00am service. Please come!

Greystoke Social Club

  • Monday 3 April – The Orkney Isles – a talk with slides by Margaret Rinder
  • Monday 17 April – Annual General Meeting, followed by a quiz
  • Thursday 25 May – Outing to Hetland Garden Centre and the Porridge Museum
  • Monday 5 June – Defibrillators and CPR – a talk and demonstration by Sue Wallace

Our meetings are held in Greystoke Village Hall and start at 2.00pm, £1 for members, £2 for visitors and includes tea and biscuits.

Greystoke Village Hall
Join us at the village hall and playing fields on Saturday 6 May for the celebration of the Coronation. Bring the family and a plate of food and take part in the entertainment. Sports on the Field, Crowning of the village May Queen, Crown competition – more details to follow when the timings of the coronation are announced.

Greystoke Parish Council
The next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 11 April at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. This will be my last meeting as I am standing down in May after serving the Parish Council for 44 years, 18 as Chairman and 18 before that as vice Chairman. A number of Councillors are standing down as well. You will have to have your nomination in 3 weeks before polling day on Thursday 4 May. Keep watching the Greystoke page on facebook for up to date information.

The Parish council has put an offer in to Alexandra Howard to buy the car park.

Roy Fisher (Chairman)

Greystoke WI
Greystoke WI had its AGM in March. Hazel McGrath stepped down as President after many years in office. The local Federation believes Hazel first took on the role in December 1997. There were twelve years off because of other commitments but other than that Hazel has been our WI President. We are all extremely grateful to Hazel for her leadership and friendship and wish her well as she pursues her other interests. We feel sure that we haven’t heard the last of her little ideas. Three members have agreed to share the role – Valerie Simpson, Jennifer Young and Sue Nowson. We were also pleased to welcome Ros and Janet onto the committee.

Our speaker that night was David Bell who entertained us with a fascinating slide show about his trip to China.

On Thursday 6 April our speaker will be Val Corbett who contributes to Cumbria Life. She will be telling us about Northern Gardens to visit. The competition will be Your photograph of a garden.

If you would like to join us please contact either of our three joint Presidents: Jennifer Young, Sue Nowson or Val Simpson.

Greystoke Swimming Pool Draw
Pool Draw 2023 – Final figures – 228 members, £1710 raised for the pool!

Thank You all so much for your support!

March winners are:

  • £20 (207) Steve and Lesley Grisedale
  • £15 (43) Liz Forrest
  • £10 (100) The Wallaces
  • £5 (171) Helen Ledger
  • £5 (24) Keith Mandale
  • £5 (141) Pauline Douthwaite
  • £5 (148) Lyn and Dick Mol

Public Transport to Greystoke, Newbiggin and Motherby
Pam Wood is exploring ways these villages could be better connected to the public transport system. If you have a strong view about this or good idea for it, please contact Pam.

Coram Shakespeare Schools Festival: Greystoke School
Twenty-three children ranging from Year 2 to Year 6 from Greystoke Primary School took part in the world’s largest youth drama festival at Theatre by the Lake on Tuesday 7 March. The festival was arranged by Coram Shakespeare School’s Foundation, a cultural education charity that gives young people across the UK the confidence to succeed. The festival featured a series of abridged Shakespeare plays performed by local schools.

Greystoke School’s children performed a wonderful version of Julius Caesar. Shakespeare’s words were brought to life in a dynamic way through a variety of spoken Shakespearian text, clever choreography, a stirring soundtrack and outstanding acting from the youngest to the oldest child. The play demonstrated a wide range of atmospheres, from the opening celebration of Caesar’s arrival into Rome to the brutal death of Caesar himself, who had decided to attend the Senate, despite the ‘Beware the Ides of March’ warning from the soothsayer. Dances punctuated the performance with the soundtrack including Prokofiev’s Dance of the Knights, Fall Out Boy’s Centuries and finally Disturbed’s haunting version of Sound of Silence which was the backtrack of the epic slow motion battle scene between the forces of Brutus and Mark Antony.

After a full tech and dress rehearsal in the afternoon, feedback from Shakespeare School’s Festival staff was excellent and really gave the children confidence to give their very best performance. The sound technicians were equally complimentary and even said that the children projected better than some professional actors. Parents got the chance to attend the final performance on Tuesday evening and were completely blown away with the talent shown on the stage.

Wow! Truly exceptional Greystoke Primary School. A wonderfully talented group of children delivering a very challenging play brilliantly.

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