Greystoke Together February 2023

St. Andrew’s Greystoke, Church Services February 2023

  • Sunday 5 February – Holy Communion
  • Sunday 12 February – Morning Praise
  • Sunday 19 February – Service of Holy Baptism
  • Wednesday 22 February – Ash Wednesday Service (7.00pm)
  • Sunday 26 February – Morning Praise

All our services start at 11.00am, with the exception this month of the Ash Wednesday service. Coffee and cake is served at 10.30am before the service. We would love you to join us.

Warm Spot – St Andrew’s Tent
Come and take advantage of the warmth in the church tent on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10.00am until 3.00pm.

Read, chat, sew, meet your friends, play games, do jigsaws.

Tea and Coffee are available free, and a microwave if you want to heat some food.

Many thanks to Cumbria Community Foundation whose grant has enabled this to happen.

No need to book, just turn up.

St. Andrew’s Church Greystoke Tower Lighting Fund
On behalf of the PCC and everyone at St. Andrew’s Church, Greystoke, can I thank everyone for their kind donations to the Church Tower Illumination Fund. Your kindness is truly appreciated. Everyone will receive a personal note of thanks (when Covid allows!) Many thanks once again. Di Hetherington.

Greystoke Social Club

  • Monday 20 February – a talk by Sue Kane on Photography
  • Monday 6 March – TBC
  • Monday 20 March – How to give CPR and how to use the Defibrillator

Our meetings are held in Greystoke Village Hall and start at 2.00pm, £1 for members, £2 for visitors and includes tea and biscuits.

Poppy Appeal
Greystoke and the surrounding area raised a magnificent total of £937.36 for the 2022 Poppy Appeal. Johnby raised £32.24, Greystoke Gyll, £71.50.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed, especially the poppy collectors.

Village Hall says Farewell
The village hall committee would like to extend its sincere thanks to Jan Walker, who recently retired from the role as caretaker after 25+ years.

The effort and time Jan dedicated to the role, helped by husband Eddy and her children has been very much appreciated.

Jan has been an asset to the hall with her willingness to lend a hand at village events and be involved with the community.

We send her our best wishes.

Greystoke Village Hall Hire
To make a booking, the new number to call is 07758 653 845. Our new caretaker, Anthony, will be happy to assist you.

You can also send an eMail.

Greystoke Parish Council
The next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 11 April and is in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

The Parish Council is looking for a joiner or handy man to repair the Parish notice boards at Johnby, Little Blencow and Greystoke.

The Speed Camera coming into Greystoke from Penrith is now working so beware of that.

The Greystoke and Motherby Charities gave out 157 gifts this year each of the households receiving £15. To qualify for this gift, a lady living on her own must be 60 years of age, and a man and wife or partner must be 65 and must have lived in the Parish Council area for 12 months. This includes Motherby, which is no longer in Greystoke Parish Council area. If you did not receive an envelope and do qualify then please let me know or one of the other Councillors. Ring me on 017684 83 457.

Roy Fisher (Chairman)

Greystoke and District Sports Association (The Swimming Pool)
AGM – Tuesday 31 January at 7.30pm in the swimming pool café.

Your pool needs you! Greystoke pool is a great success, even in these difficult times. We have an experienced, enthusiastic, hard working committee but too few people taking on too many roles. To make sure the pool opens this year we need help. The key roles of Chairman, Deputy Chair, Maintenance team leader and assistant to the treasurer are all needed at the AGM. We welcome anyone interested in joining the committee to keep our pool open. Come down to see what we have done this year and our plans for the future. We’ll provide the drinks and nibbles, hope to see you there!

A big thanks to a group of parents who have come forward to formed a Playground sub-committee to improve the facilities for local children.

Swimming Pool Fundraiser
Saturday 11 February at 7.30pm in the Village Hall – come and dance the night away to Soul Junction, an exciting 8 piece band. Licensed bar.

Tickets available online on our website.

Greystoke Pool and Playpark
Thank you to each and every one of you who choose to support the monthly draw which raises much needed funds for maintaining the swimming pool, children’s play area and sports pitch. It really does help!

The draw runs January to December and the one-off £15 fee gets you entered into each monthly draw for cash prizes and the bonus Christmas draw, with lots of cash prizes up to £50. It’s not too late to sign up for 2023.

December’s winners are:

  • £20 – Joan Handley – 107
  • £15 – Lucy & Rob Fawcett – 94
  • £10 – Ian Forrester – 19
  • £5 – Jo Parsons – 36
  • £5 – Susan Dowie – 217
  • £5 – Catherine Williams – 09

There were 53 winners in the bonus Christmas draw (too many to list here) each winning a cash prize ranging from £5 to £50. The full list of winners can be found on our website.

Congratulations to Matt Nicol, Ross and Tricha, Val Allinson, and Jim and Linda Young, who each won £50.

Swimming Pool Café
Our sociable café is continuing through the winter months thanks to our volunteers.

Join us for lovely soup, coffee and cakes from 12.00pm to 2.00pm in our warm café.

Greystoke Swimming Pool Film Night
The final film night of this winter series will be on Saturday 18 March in Greystoke Village Hall, starting at 7.00pm. Tickets £15 include a hot supper, English Lakes ice cream and a licensed bar. Available online and via Andy in the Post Office.

Triangle of Sadness – In Ruben Östlund’s wickedly funny Palme d’Or winner, social hierarchy is turned upside down, revealing the tawdry relationship between power and beauty. Celebrity model couple, Carl (Harris Dickinson) and Yaya (Charlbi Dean), are invited on a luxury cruise for the uber-rich, helmed by an unhinged boat captain (Woody Harrelson). What first appeared Instagrammable ends catastrophically, leaving the survivors stranded on a desert island and fighting for survival.

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