Greystoke News – Winter 2022

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  • Sunday 4 December – Holy Communion
  • Sunday 11 December – Morning Praise
  • Sunday 18 December – Holy Communion
  • Sunday 25 December – Christmas Day (see details below)

Our services commence, except for Christmas Day, at 11.00am, and you are very welcome to join us for refreshments before the service, served from 10.30am.

St. Andrew’s Greystoke, Church Services January 2023

  • Sunday 1 January – Holy Communion
  • Sunday 8 January – Morning Praise
  • Sunday 15 January – Holy Communion
  • Sunday 22 January – Morning Praise
  • Sunday 29 January – Benefice Service

Our services commence at 11.00am, and you are very welcome to join us for refreshments before the service, served from 10.30am.

Christmas Arrangements
Details of the times, location and form of service can be found in the New Together magazine. We hope that you will be able to join us on at least one of these opportunities.

Come wrapped up to sing carols around the village, come in good voice to hear the Christmas Story told through word and carol at the Carol Service, come full of expectation to the Christingle, come to celebrate Christ’s birth at Midnight Mass or come to share what Santa might have brought you on Christmas morning in St Andrew’s.

Greystoke Social Club

  • Monday 5 December – bring a plate of Christmas fare. Come with a suggestion for a party game, as we welcome Christmas early.
  • Thursday 15 December – Christmas Lunch at the Roundthorn Country House Hotel
  • Monday 16 January – The first meeting of the year – what did Santa bring you?

Our meetings are held in Greystoke Village Hall and start at 2.00pm, £1 for members, £2 for visitors and includes tea and biscuits.

Greystoke WI
Greystoke WI’s November speaker, Ros Downing, gave a fascinating and entertaining talk about the history of biscuits from the weevil-filled hard tack variety used on board ships to the present day brands with which we are familiar. We heard how they were originally mainly for the rich and dipped in wine for dessert. After the industrial revolution they became mass produced by companies with very famous names such as Carrs, Jacobs, and Huntley and Palmer. Ros also traced how these companies were amalgamated so that there are very few independent biscuit makers now. Tunnocks is one, which raised a bit of a cheer. She left us with the thought that, during lockdown, the sale of McVities’ chocolate digestives rose by 71% which just goes to show we were doing a lot of comfort eating!

At our Thursday 1 December meeting there will be a light supper, carols played by the Hand bells and the competition of the gift wrapped parcel with a value of up to £5. There is no meeting in January but there is a meal at the Brantwood on Thursday 20 January.

If you would like to join us please phone Hazel.

Greystoke Parish Council
The next Greystoke Parish Council meetings are Tuesday 6 December and Tuesday 24 January.

The Crocuses have now all been planted 4,500 in total by Roy Fisher, Mike Mandale, Janice Wetherall-Timmins, Peter and Anne Trueman, Robert and Rachael Ashburner, Emma Neilson, John and Lucy Piele, Adam Fawcett, Richard Sealby, Linda Edna and John Cannon, Violet Heggie, Shirley Mounsey, Pearl Mitchell, John Danks, Alan and Janet Buckley, Christine and Norman Bell, Hazel and Martin McGrath, Natalie and Karel Gegor, Helen and Peter Hammond, Georgina Bayles and her Guides and Brownies. Funding was gained by a donation of £500 off Story Holmes, £150 off Rowley’s of Blencow Hall and the remainder from Greystoke Parish Council, making it up to £830 in total.

Thanks was expressed to all the people who have looked after the Village Flower tubs which shows that the village is cared for.

May I wish you, on behalf of Greystoke Parish Council, all the best for Christmas and the New Year.

Roy Fisher (Chairman)

Village Hall Bingo
Friday 11 November saw a packed village hall for our first bingo since 2019. Over £300 was raised for hall funds, and all ages enjoyed a prize galore evening.

Our Christmas Bingo is on Friday 9 December, with festive refreshments, and Friday 27 January is our last of the season. All start at 7.00pm.

The bingo would not happen without all the generous prize donations made by Greystoke residents so a big thank you to all and to Neaum for supplying delicious sausage rolls.

Swimming Pool Maintenance Session
Please come down and help keep the pool area tidy and maintained between 10.00am and 12.00pm on Saturday 10 December. All help grateful received!

Swimming Pool Café
Come and keep warm over winter in our café, serving soup, cake and hot drinks on Tuesdays, 12.00 to 2.00pm.

Swimming Pool Draw
The swimming pool monthly draw is a fundraiser for the pool and runs from January to December each year. In 2022, we had 206 members and raised a whopping £1548 – let’s see if we can raise even more this year!

It’s simple! Join the draw for a one-off fee of £15 which this buys you a number that is entered into the monthly draws and the Christmas bonus draw which has cash prizes up to £50. This year we have £765 Christmas cash to give away.

Payment is due in December. For existing members, there is no need to do anything as we will contact you automatically.

To join and be included for 2023 contact Emma Nielsen.

To our loyal pool draw supporters, thank you. The committee is always working hard to keep the pool open and it is pleasing to know we have so many people who are helping us achieve this goal. Your continued support is much appreciated.

November winners are:

  • £20 – Catherine Williams – 09
  • £15 – Hugh Taylor – 02
  • £10 – Paul and Jean Bridge – 211
  • £5 – Simon and Trish Hawkyard – 188
  • £5 – Les Nanson – 119
  • £5 – Tony and Ann Royle – 78
  • £5 – Max and Becca – 60

Greystoke Film Night
We are delighted to announce our next two Film Nights of the winter which will be held in the village hall at 7.00pm.

The Phantom of the Open

This is the story of Maurice Flitcroft, a dreamer and unrelenting optimist, who manages to gain entry to the 1976 British Open Golf Championship qualification round despite being a complete novice.

This will be shown on Saturday 3 December.

Top Gun: Maverick

After more than 30 years of service as one of the Navy’s top aviators, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot and dodging the advancement in rank that would ground him. Training a detachment of graduates for a special assignment, Maverick must confront the ghosts of his past and his deepest fears, culminating in a mission that demands the ultimate sacrifice from those who choose to fly it.

This will be shown on Saturday 21 January (a week later than previously advertised).

Tickets £15 from Andy in the Post Office and includes a delicious one pot supper, an English Lakes ice cream and a licensed bar. All welcome. Proceeds to the Swimming Pool.

Greystoke Village Christmas Pageant
For the first time in two years, on Thursday 15 December at 6.00pm, the children and staff of Greystoke School are really looking forward to celebrating the Nativity story with friends and families in St. Andrew’s Church, Greystoke. Until the COVID lockdowns, the Greystoke Village Christmas Pageant had been a long standing tradition where we all came together to celebrate this special story.

Plans for mulled wine, mince pies, hot sausage sandwiches and lots of Christmas stalls are already underway but we would really like to reach out and invite anyone who would like to take part to please get in touch with school on 017684 83 572.

All stalls are free and everyone is very, very welcome. We would really like to make this Christmas celebration one to remember.

Greystoke Swimming Pool and Sports Association
With many new people coming to live in the area I thought it worth explaining a little about the pool and children’s playground. The thriving and friendly association is run by a small committee and many volunteers. We open the heated pool from May to September and the playground is available all year round. The field is managed by Greystoke Football Club where their two teams play throughout the season.

We need volunteers to help with general maintenance, running the cafe and admissions, managing the pool pump equipment, painting, fundraising, applying for grants, publicity, maintenance of the playground and many other activities.
We also need to increase the committee, most especially an assistant to the treasurer and a new chairperson.

If you’d like to get involved please contact Janice.

Our AGM will be in late January. All welcome!

Soup and Pudding
Thank you to all who came and supported the soup and pudding fundraising event and to those who provided the delicious food. Over £500 was raised over a very sociable two hours with all proceeds going directly to the hall to ensure it is maintained and kept available for you, the community, to use.

Could you help by becoming a School Governor of Greystoke School?
Do you feel you know the rhythm of life within our community? Are you inspired by the creativity and wonder of children? Do you have a passion to see our school continue to serve in excellent and resourceful ways? Have you an enquiring mind? Can you consider matters strategically and objectively and come to an informed judgement? Are you enthusiastic to work as part of a team?

If you’ve said yes any of these questions, we need people like you to step forward and to volunteer to be a governor – you could be a parent, represent a community organisation or just want to participate in a Board which has the children of our school at its heart and works with staff, pupils, parents and the local community.

We value that local knowledge and experience is our most precious treasure in the local governance of schools. You may also bring other skills and knowledge which is a bonus too.

You would get a chance to develop your own personal skills; you would be given free training in respect of education and governance; you would get a sense of achievement in helping to make a difference to children’s education.

We meet six to eight times a year and support the work of the Headteacher and her team. No particular qualifications needed; you don’t even have to be a parent of a child at the school.

Please contact Graham Simons, Clerk to the Governors, to find out more. He will be pleased to hear from you![/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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