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- Sunday 3 July – Holy Communion
- Sunday 10 July – Morning Praise
- Sunday 17 July – Holy Communion
- Sunday 24 July – Morning Praise
- Sunday 31 July – Blencathra Mission Community Service and Fun day (3.00pm at Calthwaite FC Ground, Calthwaite, with activities, food and service)
Our services in July start at 9.15am and all are very welcome. Communion services are held in the Chancel and Morning Praise in the Lady Chapel.
- Sunday 7 August – Holy Communion
- Sunday 14 August – Morning Praise
- Sunday 21 August – Holy Communion
- Sunday 28 August – Morning Praise
Our services in August will start at 11.00am with coffee served from 10.30am.
Greystoke Social Club
- Monday 4 July – A talk by Roger Dix entitled “How are Roger’s Worms?” – Yes, you read correctly, come along and find out!!
- Thursday 21 July – Outing (details to follow – look on the village notice board)
- Monday 1 August – Beetle Drive
Our meetings are held in Greystoke Village Hall and start at 2.00pm, £1 for members, £2 for visitors and includes tea and biscuits.
Church Library
We are pleased to announce that a lending library has now been opened in St Andrew’s church. There is a large selection of fiction as well as non-fiction books. You can find it just on your right hand as you enter the church. Please enter details of the books you have taken in the borrower’s book.
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
In honour of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen, the Johnby Hall Estate has planted seven cherry trees, a tree for each decade of Her Majesty’s reign. They are in Roadside Wood, between Johnby and Greystoke, in a clearing by the road where we hope that, as they grow, they will be enjoyed by local people for many years to come.
Henry and Anna, Cecilia and Graham (The Johnby Hall Estate)
Greystoke WI
Our June meeting began with a Platinum Jubilee celebration. We enjoyed a light supper, toasted the Queen (who is a member of WI) and sang the National Anthem. Then two members cut an exquisitely decorated celebration cake, which was guarded by two icing sugar corgis and topped by a beautiful purple crown.
Our speaker was Lynne from Pine Tree Nurseries who gave a fascinating talk about the recent history of the site. She explained how her husband changed his career and they bought the site without seeing it all. It turned out to be covered in rubbish which all had to be cleared before they could get on with their planting. There was also a ramshackle greenhouse and several polytunnels which shed their plastic in a 2014 storm. It was inspiring to hear about their vision and dedication, and to see the remarkable before and after photos. There was then a chance to buy some very beautiful plants.
With no July meeting, on Thursday 4 August will be an Open Meeting with a talk from Andrew Leech and Jim Bownass who curate the Cumbria Archive of videos.
If you would like to join us please phone Hazel.
Concerts in St. Andrew’s Church
Throughout the summer we are running a series of concerts to include a wide variety of music styles, all starting at 7:30pm.
- Friday 1 July – Burnt Horse Folk Group, a local Cumbrian band combining lush harmony singing, with ukulele, guitar, bass, cello and fiddle to create a mix of folk and blue grass.
- Saturday 30 July – Penrith Town band
- Friday 19 August – Day and Jones, performing a wide range of covers from all eras. Greystoke’s very own pop and rock duo.
Tickets £7.50 for adults and £4 for children up to 16.
All tickets can be obtained by contacting Ros Sanders. There will also be tickets on sale on the night. Refreshments, to include tea, coffee and wine will be available.
Greystoke Brownies and Guides
Greystoke Brownies and Guides have had an action packed term. Guides made a bio-sphere and Brownies sowed wild flower seeds, lettuce, nasturtium and chilli. Brownies acquired new art skills when they tackled pointillism, and Guides practised their tent pitching and camp skills. You’ll have seen the Brownie and Guide Scarecrows made for the Scarecrow Trail, plus we celebrated the Platinum Jubilee with our own party, and squeezed in a visit to Cumbria Constabulary Police HQ. As you read this edition, all of our Guides will be enjoying Guide Camp in Silverdale.
In July, we’ll be enjoying a joint meeting with Threlkeld Brownies when they come swimming here in Greystoke, and a trip to Castle Park to play crazy golf and have a chippy tea.
Brownies is for girls aged 7-10, and Guides is for girls aged 10-14. We meet in the village hall on Monday evenings. For more info and to join, see the Guides website or eMail.
Greystoke Parish Council
The next meeting for Greystoke Parish Council is on Tuesday 26 July at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Atkinson Builders will give a presentation on a proposal to build more dwellings in Greystoke.
We are also concerned about the amount of vehicles parked at the top of Church Road which do not belong to the residents. However we cannot enforce anybody to move them as there is no resistive parking. We would ask them to park in the car park or further down where the road is wider.
We are also disappointed that, although there were over 700 people caught by our speed camera in a 6 week period (45 without a licence or MOT), no one will get prosecuted as our Police Commissioner has no one in charge to send out letters to prosecute them. Our other speed camera was vandalised before it was commissioned, but it will be replaced.
Finally, the best kept garden competition will take place again this year.
Roy Fisher (Chairman)
Swimming Pool Draw
Thank you to all who continue to support the pool by taking part in the Pool Draw.
Congratulations to June’s prize winners:
- £20 – Eileen Monk – 73
- £15 – J&H Relph – 71
- £10 – Margaret Rinder – 216
- £5 – Will Nielsen – 69
- £5 – Jan Walker – 155
- £5 – Catherine Williams – 9
- £5 – Toni Hall – 18