Greystoke News May 2022

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  • Sunday 1 May – Holy Communion
  • Sunday 8 May – Morning Praise
  • Sunday 15 May – Holy Communion
  • Sunday 22 May – Morning Praise
  • Sunday 29 May – Morning Praise

All our services start at 9.15am. We are now worshiping in the Chancel part of the church, having left the tent for the summer months.

Everyone is welcome to come and share in our services, we look forward to meeting you.

Greystoke Social Club

  • Monday 2 May – “Juke Box Jury”
    Bring your favourite tape or CD and share a track with club members.
    Sorry no facility for vinyl! Everyone welcome – £1 for club members, £2 for visitors for tea and biscuits.
  • Monday 16 May – First Outing of the Season
    Look out for further information.
  • Monday 6 June – A talk entitled “Every Life Matters” on the subject of suicide.

Greystoke WI
Greystoke WI met on Thursday 7 April to enjoy Sue Hind’s talk about patchwork. We brought in our own examples for the competition.

On Thursday 5 May we have a talk about Pioneer food from David Jenkin. The competition will be a money saving food/cookery hint.

Advanced notice:
Our Thursday 2 June meeting will start at 6.00pm with a light supper to celebrate the Jubilee. This will be followed by a talk about Pinetree Nursery and a plant sale with Duncan and Lynne Wilson.

If you would like to join us please contact Hazel.

Greystoke Plant Sale
St. Andrew’s Church, Greystoke, will be holding their annual plant sale on Saturday 14 May from 9.00am until 2.00pm. There will be a café serving the usual delicious cakes and soups .We also hope to offer a gardening book stall together with second hand gardening tools.

Any offers of plants, books or tools, help with the cafe or donations of cakes will be very gratefully received.

For plant donations please contact Shirley Mounsey.

For cakes/soup, help in the café, or books and tools please contact Maureen Hardy.

Hope to see you there.

Advance Notice of Greystoke Open Gardens and Scarecrow Trail
This will take place on Sunday 12 June. There will be a map available of gardens and scarecrows at the village hall where there will be a café serving a selection of cakes, soup and cream teas.

If you would like to offer your garden (it doesn’t need to be perfect – people just love wandering round getting ideas) or you fancy creating a fun scarecrow (any theme you like), please contact Maureen Hardy.

All funds from the sale of maps and the café will be for St. Andrew’s Church.

Greystoke Castle Estate
By kind permission of John and Liz Piele, local people will be allowed to walk around the Greystoke Castle Estate as from next month using the main road – no wandering over the fields.

Dogs will be allowed, but only on a lead. Any dog fouling, dogs being let off the lead, or litter being left will lead to the permission being taken away.

Roy Fisher

The Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
Arrangements are well on the way to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee.

Eden District Council Jubilee fund has awarded us £500. This will be used to purchase a commemorative gift for each child aged 16 and under, partly pay for the Sports Day and Tea. (Sandwiches will made by volunteers, but we would like donations of cakes on the day). Some of the money will go towards the purchase of trees for the “Queen’s Green Canopy”, and extra crocus bulbs and plants in the tubs around the villages as a memorial.

The events are:

  • Thursday 2nd June

    A beacon will be lit at 9.45pm on Mains Field opposite the gallops.

  • Friday 3rd June

    Nothing has been planned for the Friday.

  • Saturday 4th June
    • 1.00pm Parade of Hats
    • 1.30pm Sports
    • 3.00pm Tea

    This will be Greystoke and Johnby’s main celebration day. There will be a competition for all ages for the Best Coronation Hat.

    Throughout the afternoon there will be a bouncy castle and hopefully other fun stalls.

    For it all to go ahead we need as many volunteers as possible to help set up tables and chairs, help with the stalls, collect plates and washing up and finally put everything away. The more the merrier, so that we can all enjoy the day.

  • Sunday 5th June.
    • 11.00am. Hand-bells will be rung outside the Boot & Shoe. Coffee and special Jubilee biscuits.
    • 2.00pm Service of Praise in St Andrew’s Church followed by Tea and Cake.
    • 4.00pm Entertainment at the Boot and Shoe.

A small brown envelope is enclosed in the magazine. This is for a voluntary donation to help towards the cost of all the events. A volunteer will be collecting the envelopes between the 9th and 15th May.

If you are willing to help in anyway please contact Shirley Mounsey

Greystoke Handbell Ringing Group
We are now back ringing regularly after a difficult two years. We meet on Thursday afternoons in the village hall and we are looking for new members to swell our ranks. You do not need to be able to read music – just be able to count!!

We shall be playing outside the Boot and Shoe on Sunday 5 June, Jubilee Sunday, at 11.00am. If you feel you would be interested, maybe pop along, listen and then chat with us afterwards with coffee and biscuits. Alternatively you can contact our secretary Ann Royle.

1st Greystoke Brownies and Guides
Brownies and Guides love the Summer Term when they can take advantage of the light evenings and get out and about. They’ve got lots planned, including fire lighting and cooking on open fires, gardening and growing, tracking, a farm visit, a trip to Castle Park to play crazy golf and more. Guides are also going on a long-awaited weekend camp.

We welcome girls from a wide area and several schools, so it’s a great opportunity to meet new friends. We meet in Greystoke Village Hall from 6.00pm to 7:30pm on Mondays in term time.

For more information, please contact Georgina or register directly.

Greystoke Parish Council
The next Greystoke Parish council meeting is on Tuesday 31 May in the village hall at 7.30pm.

Swimming Pool and Café
Greystoke Pool opens early May, and season tickets are available through the new Greystoke Pool website.

The Pool Café Tuesday lunchtimes will cease, but the Café will be open during public swimming sessions – all are welcome.

Greystoke Gentle Yoga
Gentle Yoga, suitable for beginners in Greystoke Village Hall. Saturdays at 10.00am. Please contact Paula on 07730 499 287, if you would like to join in.[/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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