Greystoke News April 2022

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We would welcome all to come and share in the worship:

  • Sunday 3 April – Holy Communion – 9.15am
  • Sunday 10 April – Morning Praise and Distribution of Palms – 9.15am
  • Thursday 14 April – Holy Communion for Maundy Thursday – 7.00pm
  • Friday 15 April – Good Friday Service – 3.00pm at St Kentigern’s, Mungrisdale
  • Sunday 17 April – EASTER DAY HOLY COMMUNION – 9.15am
  • Sunday 24 April – Morning Praise – 9.15am

St. Andrew’s Church Creative Community Project
The Fantastic Felters of Greystoke have made a great start on creating leaves for a new altar frontal.

All welcome to join in.

Look out on the village Facebook page for dates and times of workshops.

Daphne Honey

Easter Cross
Once again the stark bare cross will be placed on the village green on the evening of Maundy Thursday as a reminder of Christ’s suffering. On Easter Sunday we would welcome all the village to help thatch the cross with daffodils as a witness to the resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. Please join us.

1st Petteril Vale Beavers and the Queen
The Beaver Scouts from the 1st Petteril Vale Scout Group, who meet at Blencow Village Hall, all got together to make a huge card which they all signed and then sent to Buckingham Palace for the Queen to mark her Platinum Jubilee. They were delighted then to receive a letter from Windsor Castle thanking them for their efforts and their best wishes.

Plant Sale
St. Andrew’s Church Greystoke will be holding their infamous Plant Sale on Saturday 14 May from 9.00am to 2.00pm at the Village Hall. There will be the usual café and home produce stall, and we hope to have any surplus gardening tools for sale and a collection of gardening books. As usual we will gladly receive any plants that folk may be able to give either on the day or given to Shirley Mounsey earlier in the month. More details will follow in the May Newsletter

Icon of Christ Pantocrator

In November last year I was able to attend an Icon Painting Course at Rydal Hall. The image is of Jesus as Christ, Pantocrator which means Ruler of Everything. Icons are ‘windows onto heaven’ and are a tradition which comes from the Eastern European -including Ukraine, Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches.

We used pigments (coloured powders originally made from natural materials), runny egg and a tiny bit of gin (preservative!) to make the paint and luxurious gold leaf. The image is built up in many layers of subtle changes of tones. Jesus’ ears has at least 8 layers which was quite tricky due to their size!

Little did we know when we gathered in Rydal that there would be war in Ukraine and suffering beyond our comprehension. I am taking my icon to church each week as an act of solidarity with all those who are suffering in the conflict. As Ukraine’s people are crying out to the world, let us do what we can to help and hold them in our prayers.

Daphne Honey

Greystoke Swimming Pool and Playground
We are fast approaching the opening of the pool for the 2022 season. We hope to open the pool and the café fully from early May. We will share information on the actual date and season tickets in early April. We will have a new website for the pool and will once again be using TeamApp to book sessions for adult swimming.

The preparations for opening are underway so please lookout for our calls for help on social media or advertised at the pool.

The pool relies on volunteers to run the café and take admission money so once again we will run some induction sessions. Hopefully many of our past volunteers will return but there is always space for new people. Many of our volunteers remark on the satisfaction and enjoyment they get from volunteering, so do join us.

In the coming months we need to repair and improve the playground. Again we will put a call out for help with this work.

We are looking forward to a successful season and, with your help, it will be!

Greystoke Social Club
Our only meeting in April will be on Monday 4 April at 2.00pm in Greystoke Village Hall when we will have our AGM, but livened afterwards by a quiz and possibly a bingo session – please do join us. £1 for tea and biscuits.

Greystoke Parish Council
The next Greystoke Parish council meeting is on Tuesday 12 April in the village hall at 7.30pm. John Peile from Greystoke Castle has agreed to replace the late Eddie Walker on the Parish Council.

I am also very pleased to announce that Jamie Dobinson and Tom Peile have been successful in purchasing one of the affordable dwellings each on Fawn Meadows – I am pleased I was able to help them. They will live next door to each other.

Danny Walker has trimmed the trees down church road for the Parish Council

Roy Fisher (Chairman)

Swimming Pool Draw
Thank you to all who continue to support the pool by taking part in the Pool Draw and thank you to all those newcomers. We hope you get lucky!

Prize winners for March are:

  • £20 – Jeff & Rachel Bastow – 170
  • £15 – Liz Kinghorn – 203
  • £10 – Sarah Fawcett – 752
  • £5 – Corrine Green – 32
  • £5 – Nigel Timmins – 199
  • £5 – William Cummins – 186
  • £5 – Shirley Morgan – 168

Swimming Pool Café
Greystoke Pool Café will be open Tuesdays 12.00pm to 2.00pm for soup, scones, coffee and cake. Join us for a chat and meet up with neighbours and friends

Greystoke Gentle Yoga
Gentle Yoga, suitable for beginners in Greystoke Village Hall. Saturdays at 10.00am. Please contact Paula if you would like to join in or book online.[/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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