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All our services are at 9.15am and we would welcome all to come and share in the worship:
- Sunday 6 March – Holy Communion
- Sunday 13 March – Morning Praise
- Sunday 20 March – Holy Communion
- Sunday 27 March – Morning Praise
St. Andrew’s Church Creative Community Project
St. Andrew’s church has launched a creative community project to make a new green altar frontal for the church. A kind donation has been given to the church to help to fund this. Under the auspices of the WI Crafting Group, there was a felting afternoon on 7 February where we had an opportunity to make a wet-felted leaf.
Future workshops will aim to be run when families or Secondary school young people will be able to come. We will also be offering the dry felting process to make a leaf or to embellish the wet felted leaves.
We also welcome contributions of leaves made by crochet, knitting or appliqué if that is more your ‘thing’! The felted leaves could also be embroidered and we don’t have to stick to just making leaves. An occasional spider, bird, dormouse or red squirrel would be lovely to hide amongst the leaves!
We would like to make enough leaves to represent each person in the wider parish of Greystoke. Come and make one for your neighbour, Grandad, Sister … Better still, bring your Grandad, Dad, Uncle, Brother as felting is for everyone. It involves, all three sciences!
Reminders will go onto the village Facebook page. We hope everyone will feel welcomed to join in as support, guidance and fun will be provided in abundance.
We will be going into the village schools and approaching local social groups to offer workshops too.
If you would like me to come to you, I can do a mini workshop in your home. Please contact me though the Greystoke Village Facebook page.
Daphne Honey
Greystoke Village Hall
The hall welcomes a completely fresh office who are looking forward to bringing our fabulous community together to continue a thriving village hall.
- Chair – Laura Seel
- Vice Chair – Marie Addison
- Secretary – Emma Nielsen
- Treasurer – Kayleigh Hale
- Vice Treasurer – Ann Trueman
Please contact Laura (above) if you want to be involved.
Many thanks to the Les Nanson and John Bridges for all of their hard work keeping the village hall running throughout such a difficult period.
Queen’s Jubilee Committee
Kate Tomlinson and Shirley Mounsey are organising a committee to arrange joint celebrations of Greystoke and any surrounding village organisations that wish to be included. If you are a part of a club/organisation, or just wish to be involved, please contact Shirley.
Don’t just live in Greystoke… be a part of it!
Greystoke Social Club
- Monday 7 March – A talk on “OXFAM” by Jane Shaw
- Monday 21 March – Details to come
All our meetings are held in Greystoke Village Hall. They start at 2.00pm and the cost is £1 for tea and biscuits – come along, you may wish to join us.
Greystoke WI
WI’s February meeting was Denise Parks talking about the theory of Reflexology and demonstrating some of the techniques on one of our members. She also brought some beautiful pottery bowls which were crafted to serve soup for the charity Mary’s Meals. For a donation we could have some delicious soup and a bowl.
Our March meeting will begin at 6.30 p.m. as it is the AGM. This will start with a vote by the members about whether we stay in WI or not. If you are a member we would very much welcome your presence at this vote. After the AGM we will enjoy a cookery demonstration by Laura Harker.
If you would like to try out WI, please come along to the village hall at 6.30 p.m. on 3rd March. We are trying to stay Covid safe by hand sanitising, wearing a mask and sitting apart from each other.
Greystoke Parish Council
With kind permission of John and Liz Piele and family, Greystoke Parish Council has agreed to hold a bonfire to celebrate the start of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations on Thursday 2 June. The bonfire will be lit at 9.45pm in conjunction with all the others country-wide. They hope to be helped in the building of the bonfire by some of Skelton Young Farmers.
A new speed camera is to be installed at the Penrith end of Greystoke on the new post that Story Holmes have put in.
The gate down near Church House has had a makeover. This was done by Danny and Matty Walker, the late Eddie Walker’s lads. A donation of £50 was given to Eddie Walker’s memorial fund for all the work and dedication he put in to being a Councillor over the last 35 years. Eddie will be very hard to replace. We shall need a new Councillor to fill the vacancy caused by Eddie’s untimely death.
Roy Fisher (Chairman)
Swimming Pool Draw
Thank you to all who continue to support the pool by taking part in the Pool Draw and thank you to all those newcomers. We hope you get lucky!
Prize winners for January are:
- £20 – Bob Barnes – 10
- £15 – B&M Murray – 165
- £10 – John Bridges – 140
- £5 – P & A Binks – 08
- £5 – M&M Nears – 123
- £5 – Ian & Joan Curry – 116
- £5 – Dennis Dixon – 182
Swimming Pool Café
Greystoke Pool Café will be open Tuesdays 12.00-2.00pm for soup, scones, coffee and cake.
Join us for a chat and meet up with neighbours and friends[/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]