Come and Felt – St. Andrew’s new Alter Frontal

St. Andrew’s church is launching a creative community project to make a new green altar frontal for the church. A kind donation has been given to the church to help to fund this. Under the auspices of the WI Crafting Group we will have a felting afternoon starting at 1.30pm on Monday 7 February where you will have an opportunity to make a wet-felted leaf. We hope everyone will feel welcomed to join in as support, guidance and fun will be provided in abundance.

If you have them, please bring 2 pieces of bubble wrap about A4 Size, a bar of soap, an old towel and water proof apron. Don’t worry if you don’t – just come!

Future workshops will aim to be run when families or Secondary school young people will be able to come. We will also be offering the dry felting process to make a leaf or to embellish the wet felted leaves.

We also welcome contributions of leaves made by crochet, knitting, appliqué if that is more your ‘thing’! The felted leaves could also be embroidered and we don’t have to stick to just making leaves. An occasional spider, bird, dormouse or red squirrel would be lovely to hide amongst the leaves!

We would like to make enough leaves to represent each person in the wider parish of Greystoke. Come and make one for your neighbour, Grandad, sister… Better still, bring your Grandad, Dad, Uncle, brother as felting is for everyone. It involves, all three sciences!

Reminders will go onto the village Facebook page.

We will be going into the village schools and approaching local social groups to offer workshops too. If you would like me to come to you, I can do a mini workshop in your home. Please contact me though the Greystoke Village Facebook page.

Thanks, Daphne Honey

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