Greystoke News July 2021

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  • Sunday 4 July
    – Holy Communion; Celebrant and Preacher Rev Richard Hall
  • Sunday 11 July
    – Morning Praise; Service leader Judith Walsh, Preacher Graham Simons
  • Sunday 18 July
    – Holy Communion; Celebrant Rev Richard Hall, Preacher Gill Danks
  • Sunday 25 July
    – Morning Praise; Service leader Graham Simons, Preacher John Danks

All services are in the church and start at 9.15am. Masks must be worn and social distancing takes place.

Everyone is welcome to attend our services.

If you enter the churchyard by the normal gate, on your left you will see two rows of yew trees. Some work has started to drive back the encroaching ivy, brambles and nettles as well as clearing the trees of self-setting elders. This is proceeding slowly, but if you wish you can be part of the efforts to restore the churchyard in this area to what it was meant to be.

Please contact John Danks to volunteer to help and to be shown what you can do. You can do some work in your own time at your own pace. The church council is very grateful to Guy Challands from Church House who has done some excellent work in clearing the walls of the ivy.

Maintenance of the churchyard is a continuous task and currently the congregation pays more than £1800 each year just to get the grass mowed. This year we also will be spending several hundred pounds in having two diseased tree trunks removed to ensure safety in the churchyard. So every little bit we can do ourselves is helping to ensure that the churchyard is a pleasant and safe place to visit.

PCC, St Andrew’s Church

Open the Book
A small group of members of the congregations of St Andrew’s, Greystoke and All Saints Penruddock regularly take bible stories into Greystoke and Penruddock Primary Schools. But they don’t just read them – no, they dress up in the appropriate costumes and present the stories as plays whilst the story itself is read from a child friendly bible. At least that was what happened before the pandemic occurred, currently the stories are recorded and made available to the schools on a restricted channel on YouTube.

When we return to normal and when the group can once again go into the schools the cast will be augmented by the children as they play small parts – the part of a Roman soldier is very popular, particularly as the costume comes with a sword!!

1st Petteril Vale Scout Group
We are a very active local scout group. Our Beavers section, children aged 6 to 8, is based at Blencow Village Hall, our cubs for children 8 to 10½ are based at Stainton Village hall, whilst our scouts, for older children are based at Penruddock Village Hall. We recruit from all the local villages and from much further afield.

All our sections work towards a set of badges known as Challenge Badges. If they get them all and some proficiency badges in other subjects they qualify for the Chief Scouts Bronze, Silver or Gold Award, depending on the section.

During lock down we were not allowed to meet face to face so our meetings took place over Zoom with some interesting and unusual activities – Beavers did cooking including a micro waved cake in a mug, and some experiments including a fire-extinguisher made from baking powder and vinegar.

If you would like to join us as a leader look us up on the Eden Scout District website, this will direct you to the group contact.

Greystoke Primary School
The children in Greystoke School are working very hard on trying to help solve local issues in our village and have written the following article for the New Together Magazine.

[box type=”shadow”]Change Makers
Greystoke School children are working hard to achieve our goals for UNICEF’s Rights Respecting School Award. We have been trying to improve our local village environment by creating three steering groups who are targeting different areas in our village to improve.

During lockdown a steering group began the process of creating a school charter (which set out the rules for how to be a respectful person who can make a potential progressive difference in Greystoke) to make a significant substantial beneficial change for all Greystoke pupils and the wider community: we have the right to be able to use our voices and a right to live in a safe, clean environment.

Every Wednesday, we leave our classroom and venture out into our local village to help our curriculum come to life. We started to notice that there was a lot of dog mess left on the pavements, cars were badly parked and there were speeding cars driving dangerously passed our school. Therefore we divided the class into three groups: a speed awareness group, a dog poo group and a litter-picking group. These groups could then focus on how to improve these areas to make a positive difference by; listening to people’s concerns, writing to local companies for their support (Pets at Home), inviting PC Black to help us and designing posters and campaigns.

Our overall aim is to help keep everyone safe in our village so having corresponded with Nicky Richards and Francesca Kennedy (Bart’s Legacy Charity) we now have a better understanding of how the speeding cars, vans and cycles have a detrimental impact on the safety of horses and their riders, families, children and the wider community of Greystoke. We are hoping to raise funds for two solar powered radar speed signs so we can put one at the entrance of Greystoke near the new Story Homes housing development and the other on Icold Road. We hope that our emails and letters to Cumbria Highways will highlight the need to change their minds about road safety signs in our village and are waiting to hear from them.

Through our UNCIEF work we have a better understanding that we are able to identify a problem, find a solution through talking, listening to others and making a concrete change. Overall, all of us in school are proud to be good independent change makers who, like Malala Yousaf said, ”One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world!”

Key Stage Two: Leo, William, Tom, Freya[/box]

Greystoke Parish Council
The Parish Council will be holding a best kept garden competition this year, but there will be a difference in that it will be judged by looking over the garden fence – there will be no intrusion onto residents property, so that will rule out the vegetable garden part of it, so just flowers and lawns. The presentation will take place at the W.I. meeting in August.

We greatly regret the closing of the main road into Penrith and are in discussion with Story’s to try and get the time scale reduced. It would seem developers hold all the aces, and the Parish Council is very disappointed and angry at the way our residents are being treated. The 106 agreement that was signed in 2017 to say that 30% would be affordable dwellings was not worth the paper it was written on. They and the planning officer wanted it reduced to 5% (that was from 12 to 2) and we ended up with 6. They are building 40.

Kind Regards. Roy Fisher. (Chairman)

Greystoke WI
Greystoke WI is starting the 2021 programme with a trip to Orton on Tuesday 20 July. Please note change of day. It would be to view Jackie Hucks’ dolls houses, look around Orton and have lunch at a café. If you wish to attend you must contact Eileen Lund.

If you wish to join WI please ring Hazel.

Swimming Pool Monthly Draw
Congratulations to the winners of June’s Monthly Draw.

  • £20 – Pauline Douthwaite – 141;
  • £15 – Carol Galloway – 132;
  • £10 – Matt Nielsen – 57;
  • £5 – R&S Burton – 187;
  • £5 – Roy & Edith Fisher – 12;
  • £5 – Claire Morton – 179;
  • £5 – Stella Restarick – 150.

Fellrunner Bus Trips
Fellrunner is running the following minibus trips out of Greystoke (and Newbiggin) this summer. The money raised goes to support the bus service.

  • Monday 5 July – Keswick – £10; depart 9.59am, depart Keswick 2.40pm
  • Monday 19 July – Ullswater Scenic Drive – £10; depart 9.59am, back at Greystoke 4.30pm-ish
  • Monday 2 August – Richmond £15; depart 9.59am, home by 5.00pm
  • Monday 16 August – Holehird Gardens, Windermere £15; depart 9.59am, home by 5.00pm
  • Monday 30 August – Lanercost and Roman Wall £15; depart 9.59am, home by 5.30pm
  • Monday 13 September – Kendal £12; depart 9.59am, home by 5.00pm
  • Monday 27 September – Gretna Gateway £15; depart 9.59am, home by 4.45pm
  • Monday 11 October – Barnard Castle £15; depart 9.59am, home by 5.00pm.

To book seats or get info, call 07734 529 432

Greystoke and District Sports Association
A new chair and trustees sought for Greystoke and District Sports Association.

As you will probably know, the Sports Association is responsible for Greystoke’s playing fields, children’s play areas and the village’s open air heated swimming pool and buildings, including its café. These are vital facilities for the village and surrounding communities.

The current chair, Stephen Nicol, is standing down, having seen the refurbishment of the pool buildings through to their successful completion and now the re-opening of the pool after the disappointment of the Covid affected 2020 season.

The Sports Association has a very committed, effective and friendly group of 11 trustees. We are supported by our pool of dedicated volunteers who help with maintenance, run the café and help at fundraising events. The Sports Association is a great way of meeting people in the local area.

We are seeking a new chair to lead the Sport Association, to ensure the co-ordination of the work of the trustees and to continue to take forward the development of the swimming pool and our other facilities.

In addition, the Sport Association is interested in hearing from others in the local area who would like to get involved in the running of the pool and join the Sports Association’s committee.

For an informal discussion about what is involved please contact Stephen

Gentle Yoga with Paula
Gentle yoga improves flexibility and mobility. Allow your mind and body to relax and repair.

Starting Saturday 5 June, between 10:00am and 11:00am in Greystoke Village Hall, sessions are £5 and mats are provided.

If interested in joining, please contact Paula on 07730 499 287 to confirm a place.[/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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