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A short service will take place in church starting at 10.15am, then the congregation will proceed to the village green to join others.
At the village green we will observe the 2 minutes silence at 11.00am and wreaths and other tributes will be laid. The uniformed youth organisation will be in attendance.
St. Andrew’s Greystoke, Church Services November 2021
- Sunday 7 November – Holy Communion; Celebrant and Preacher Rev. Michael Houston
- Sunday 14 November(10.15am start) – Remembrance Sunday; Leader and Preacher Graham Simons
- Sunday 21 November – Morning Praise; Leader – Judith Walsh, Preacher – Gill Danks
- Sunday 28 November – Leader – John Danks, Preacher – Judith Walsh
Everyone is welcome to our services which all start at 9.15am and are held in church. Note that the service on Remembrance Sunday starts at 10.15am.
Book Stall
A big Thank You to everyone who supported the books, jigsaws, plants and, of course, masks outside of Hazel’s house on Howard Park, run under the WI Banner. We made over £1300 for the church during the last 18 months.
We have now decided to call a halt to the books outside but there will be jigsaws on fine days during the winter and also the masks.
All the books left have gone into the Church Library … do take a walk to the church on good days to get a book or two!
Again, a big Thank You to you all.
Hazel – Greystoke WI
St. Andrew’s Church Greystoke Tower Lighting Fund
Once again we are coming up to the festive season, and this time we hope all our plans will be back to normal, compared to last year.
The last year or so has been a trying time for everyone, and there cannot be many of us who have not known someone who has been affected by the pandemic in some way or other.
Many of us remember our loved ones that sadly are no longer with us. We enjoyed so many happy Christmas’s with them in the past. Christmas is certainly a time of remembrance!
Once again we are going to illuminate St. Andrew’s Church Tower in memory of all those dear relatives and friends that we miss so much. We have had many favourable comments from villagers and beyond regarding our tower. It looks spectacular from Icold Road especially!
Last year, due to the generosity of many, many local people, we made a substantial amount, which was greatly appreciated by the PCC.
If anyone would like to make a contribution to the Lighting Fund, please contact Diane Hetherington or any Church member.
PS., Cheques should be made payable to St. Andrew’s Church PCC Greystoke.
Christmas Tree Festival
The popular Christmas Tree Festival will make a return this year. So if you are a member of a community group or organisation, a road or a family, start making your plans for how your tree will look.
The Festival will be held in St. Andrew’s Church from the weekend before Christmas.
Who knows, you may win the trophy!!
St. Andrew’s – Musicians Wanted
St. Andrew’s Church has formed a praise and worship band which will play at one Sunday service a month and meet once a month for a practice session. We would love to welcome any musicians who might wish to join us.
If you are interested, please contact Abi to find out when we are next meeting and come along to see if it is for you.
We are in particular need of a drummer, but any instrument/voices would be a great addition.
St. Andrew’s Frost Fair
St. Andrew’s Church, Greystoke, is holding a Frost Fair on Saturday 11 December from 12.00pm to 4.00pm at the Greystoke Village Hall.
Stalls will include Cakes and Home produce, Christmas Wreaths and Table Decorations, Christmas Cards and stationery, etc., WI, Pre-loved children’s toys, Tombola and silk craft.
There will be a café serving soup, turkey and stuffing rolls, and of course, yummy cakes.
New this year…Test your skill on entertaining games for both children and adults.
There will also be a guest appearance of Father Christmas who will be available from 1.00pm until 2.00pm for a chat with younger members of our community!!!!
If you feel able to contribute to the Cakes and Produce stall, please contact Clare.
Village Hall Committee
Greystoke Village Hall urgently requires new committee members and office holders to secure the future of the hall. An Open Evening will be held in the hall on Wednesday 10 November at 7:30pm. Anyone with an interest in the future of the hall, in joining the committee or becoming an office holder, is welcome to come along for a drink and chat.
We are looking for a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary, to take over from February next year.
This is your chance to get involved and to safeguard the future of this important community asset.
Greystoke WI
Greystoke WI met on Thursday 7 October for our Guest Night when we were joined by visitors from two other local groups.
It was part of our 100th anniversary celebrations so some of us dressed in the fashions of 100 years ago. After a sumptuous buffet supper we were entertained by Ukes Akimbo, a ukulele group which set up about six years ago when they started to take lessons. They were brilliant. We really enjoyed listening to some golden oldies like Sweet Caroline and Beach Boys classics. We didn’t just have to sit still and listen though, we were able to participate by singing along and even dancing. Some of us were obviously reliving highlights from our youth!
Anne Brownlee was judged to have the best 20’s costume and Gwyneth Yerkess won the prize for best photo from the 20’s.
In November we welcome Paula Carol who will be talking to us about Yoga. The Competition will be improvised gym equipment.
If you would like to join WI, please contact Hazel McGrath
Greystoke Library
I have been asked to set up a village library in the church for everyone to use. Hopefully this will become a useful village resource!
Initially, I am asking for donations of low standing bookshelves please (they can’t be fixed to the walls so we can’t have anything too top heavy). Also, if anyone has any children’s bookshelves or things that would work well in a children’s corner (cushions, little rugs, etc.,) these would be gratefully received.
Once they are in place, we would welcome your donations of books! I will be advertising for these in the new year, but if you are having a sort out, please consider putting some aside for us.
Please contact Lucy Storer if you have any bookshelves for the library.
Thank you very much.
Greystoke Parish Council
The next Greystoke Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 2 November at 7.30pm in Greystoke Village Hall.
Greystoke and District Sports Association
We are delighted to announce the return of our popular Film Nights held at the village hall.
Limbo – 7.00pm Saturday 27 November 2021
Recently nominated for two BAFTA® awards, Limbo is a wry and poignant observation of the refugee experience, set on a fictional remote Scottish island where a group of new arrivals await the results of their asylum claims. It centres on Omar, a young Syrian musician who is burdened by his grandfather’s musical instrument, an oud, which he has carried all the way from his homeland.
Review: Ben Sharrock has created a delicate world, to deliver an asylum story filled with humour and understanding that always keeps the refugees at its centre.
Please help us to run the event safely by doing a lateral flow test before attending and if we have to cancel the event, full refunds will be given.
Tickets £12 will be on sale at Greystoke Post Office. Price includes cheese and biscuits, one soft drink or glass of wine, and ice cream.
Future film nights for your diary (film details to be announced):
- Saturday 8 January 2022
- Saturday 5 February 2022
A March 2022 date will be announced in due course.
Swimming Pool Draw
The lucky winners of the Swimming Pool Monthly Draw for October are:
- £20 – Karen Dalton – 04
- £15 – Steve & Tara – 55
- £10 – Sarah Fawcett – 72
- £5 – Colin & Sylvia – 167
- £5 – Angela Lowthian – 74
- £5 – Stacey Edmundson – 200
- £5 – Val Allison – 161
Join the draw and help raise funds for the swimming pool and the chance to win cash prizes every month.
A one off fee of £15 buys you a number which is entered into a monthly draw and the Christmas bonus draws. This year we have had over £1000 to give away in cash prizes!
Payment is due in December. Existing members – no need to do anything, we will contact you automatically.
Want to be included for 2022? Contact Emma Nielsen .
Be involved, be a winner.[/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]