Greystoke News August 2021

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  • Sunday 1 August
    – Holy Communion; Celebrant and Preacher Rev. Michael Houston
  • Sunday 8 August
    – Morning Praise; Service leader John Danks, Preacher Judith Walsh
  • Sunday 15 August
    – Morning Praise; Service Leader Judith Walsh, Preacher Graham Simons
  • Sunday 22 August
    – Morning Praise; Service Leader Graham Simons, Preacher John Danks
  • Sunday 29 August
    – Holy Communion; Celebrant Rev. Richard Hall, Preacher Gill Danks

All services are in the church and start at 9.15am. Guidelines at the time of publication state that masks must be worn and social distancing take place.

Everyone is welcome to attend our services.

1st Greystoke Brownies & Guides
Greystoke Brownies and Guides have squeezed lots into their outdoor meetings since Easter!

Brownies have learned how to strike a match safely and light a fire, made toasted cheese sandwiches on the open fire and enjoyed S’mores too! They practiced packing for a sleepover or residential, and did an activity where they decided what items they’d need for survival on a desert island. They created an assault course for the Guides, measured the speed of the beck in the garth behind the church, and enjoyed the Habitat Nature Trail in Penrith.

Guides have dissected owl pellets, deciding what type of owl they’d come from and what the owls had been eating. They’ve pitched tents and an event shelter, lit their own fires and cooked Pizza Pockets on them (and S’mores of course!). They learned to tie new knots and lashings, making brilliant rafts which they sailed on the river.

Together, we’ve been tracking round the village, weeded the flower bed on the green and around the village hall, played rounders, swung on the rope swing and, at our last meeting of term on Monday 12 July, we enjoyed a BBQ, games, promise ceremony and badge presentation.

Guides are planning a camp later in the year and Brownies have got their fingers crossed for a sleepover!

Brownies is for girls aged 7-10 and Guides is for girls aged 10-14. We meet on Monday evenings in the village. We welcome girls from Greystoke and surrounding villages including Berrier, Stainton, Skelton, Penruddock, Plumpton and Penrith.

If your daughter would like to join us in September, email Gina Stephenson or register with Girl Guiding.

Greystoke WI
On Thursday 5 August at 7.00pm, Greystoke WI would like to invite all our friends and neighbours from the Parish of Greystoke to join us for our first post lockdown Open Night. Entry will be by donation

Cheese and wine will be served, after which Roy Fisher will be presenting awards for beautiful gardens. This will be followed by a presentation from Dennis Westmoreland, featuring local villages. There will also be a raffle.

Please come and join us as we celebrate getting back to (nearly) normal.

At the time of writing it is not known what Covid prevention measures may still be necessary. WI will try to make all our guests feel comfortable and will work with any remaining regulations at the Village Hall.

Fellrunner Bus Trips
Fellrunner is running the following minibus trips out of Greystoke (and Newbiggin) this summer. The money raised goes to support the bus service.

  • Monday 2 August – Richmond £15; depart 9.59am, home by 5.00pm
  • Monday 16 August – Holehird Gardens, Windermere £15; depart 9.59am, home by 5.00pm
  • Monday 30 August – Lanercost and Roman Wall £15; depart 9.59am, home by 5.30pm
  • Monday 13 September – Kendal £12; depart 9.59am, home by 5.00pm
  • Monday 27 September – Gretna Gateway £15; depart 9.59am, home by 4.45pm
  • Monday 11 October – Barnard Castle £15; depart 9.59am, home by 5.00pm.

To book seats or get info, call 07734 529 432

Gentle Yoga with Paula
Gentle yoga improves flexibility and mobility. Allow your mind and body to relax and repair.

Saturdays between 10:00am and 11:00am in Greystoke Village Hall, sessions are £5 and mats are provided.

If interested in joining, please contact Paula on 07730 499 287 to confirm a place.

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