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The church is open daily. Please take some time to go in over the Christmas period.
We are grateful to those who have contributed flower arrangements, and to Ben and Jan from The Boot and Shoe who once again have provided the Christmas tree.
The Greystoke Carol Service
As we cannot sing in church at the moment, the village carol service, readings and carols, will travel around the village on Sunday 20 December according to the following schedule (approximate!):
- 6.15pm Village Green, where we will join with Radio Cumbria to sing Silent Night
- 6.30pm Stonegarth
- 6.45pm Howard Park
- 7.00pm Castle Gardens
- 7.15pm Village Green
Please join us if you wish, or just stand on your doorsteps to hear once again the story of the Nativity.
All welcome.
This year Christingle – the annual service for families involving the construction of a Christingle (orange, ribbon, fruit, sticks and a candle) – will take place online at 3.00pm on Christmas Eve.
Please send your email address to John Danks and he will arrange for you to receive a Zoom invitation. He will also arrange for you to receive a bag containing all the elements so that you can make a Christingle during the service.
Christmas Eve Communion
A service of Holy Communion by Extension will take place at St Andrew’s Church Greystoke at 9.00pm, earlier than in previous years, on Christmas Eve.
The service will be led by Gill Danks.
All are welcome as we celebrate the coming of Jesus into the world.
Advent Window Trail
As we are unable to hold the Christmas Tree Festival this year we are trialling a new venture for the village … An Advent Window Trail. It has been embraced by many folk in the village with enough windows to display one a day and two a day on some days.
The first window will be ready on 1st of the month and on each day a new window will be revealed. There will be a map and list of houses who are participating available from the Post office or Maureen Hardy at 1 Icold Road.
Of course you can wander round and view whenever you like, social distancing isn’t a problem! Perhaps view a few at the beginning of the month and make it your daily exercise, and then have another look later in the month.
Let’s hope this will bring some joy to us all in these strange times
Church Services for December
- Sunday 6 December – Holy Communion
– Rev Richard Hall (Celebrant and Preacher) - Sunday 13 December – Morning Praise
– John Danks (Service Leader), Judith Walsh (Preacher) - Sunday 20 December – Holy Communion
– Rev Richard Hall (Celebrant and Preacher)
Everyone is welcome to attend our services, all will be held in St. Andrew’s Church starting at 9.15am.
Government rules require everyone to wear a face-mask.
Christmas Illumination of the Church
In these uncertain times, it is very hard to make any plans for our Christmas. Whether it is one with our own family and friends, or with our Church family, here in Greystoke. Sadly our festive events have had to be cancelled this year to comply with Covid 19 safety regulations.
However, there is one thing we can do, and that is to illuminate the Church tower once again, at this very special time of year! It reminds us, that if it hadn’t been for our Saviour’s birth, there would be no celebration at all.
Since I took over from Hillary some time ago now, in collating all the wonderful donations given for the lighting fund, it has proved to me just how kind and generous our villagers, and those from the surrounding area can be. Thank you everyone.
If you would like to contribute to the fund this year, in memory of all those loved ones who have shared so many happy times with us in the past, please send or contact me, Di Hetherington, Moss Bank, Pallet Hill, Penrith. CA11 0BY. Tel No 017684 83 712, or any Church member.
Best wishes to you all, for a Happy Christmas and let’s hope a better 2021.[/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]